Chapter 94

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Don came home one afternoon, excited about a surprise he had for his new roommate and girlfriend; he immediately started looking for her. He found her laying on her bed with the door open. He lightly knocked on the door frame, not wanting to enter without her permission.

Meryl looked at the door and smiled when she saw Don. "Hey."

"Hey yourself, can I come in?" He asked.

She smiled at his sensitivity. "Of course, I could use a hug." She said trying to encourage him. Don walked over to the bed sitting next to her and took her in his arms. When they pulled away he placed a tender peck on her lips. "Much better." She smiled. They were still navigating their relationship.

"Bad day?" He asked.

"Yeah, stressful auditions." She said.

"I have an idea, and if you don't like it, just tell me." He said.

"Okay." She replied.

"I have felt you pulling away lately, and I know things are stressful right now." He said.

"Don, I don't mean to pull away or hurt you." She said.

"And I told you to be yourself and experience whatever feelings you are experiencing. No apologies." He smiled. "Anyways, I thought it would be nice if we got away together for a week. I rented a cottage on the beach in Cape Elizabeth, Maine and booked us on a flight for the end of the week. What do you think?" He asked hopefully.

Meryl looked at him and realized she was falling more in love with him everyday. "That sounds wonderful, Don. I can't believe you've done this." She said with tears welling in her eyes. No man had treated her the way he was.

"I didn't mean to make you cry." He said wiping her tears.

"No, they're good tears, happy tears. You are so amazing." She said hugging him. "I think you're right, this is exactly what we need." She said when she pulled away.

"It is a somewhat small cottage, nothing fancy, but it does have two bedrooms. I don't want you to feel pressured into anything." He said.

"Don, it sounds perfect. You NEVER pressure me, just the opposite. Besides, I like the idea of falling asleep in your arms while listening to the ocean." She smiled.

"Good, Saturday then?" He smiled.

"Saturday." She said yawning.

"You've had a long day and I have some arrangements to make. Get some rest." He said kissing her forehead.

"Thank you Don." She said laying down.

"My pleasure." He smiled closing her door.


That Saturday they flew to Maine and unpacked in a room together before heading to dinner. Don assured Meryl they didn't need to share a room, but she insisted. She was quiet on the flight there, she was thinking. Thinking about John, and thinking about Don. She came to the realization that just because she loved Don didn't mean the loved John any less, and it didn't take away what they shared. It wasn't wrong to love Don, and she just needed to take that leap she decided as she was getting ready for dinner, anxious as to what the evening might bring.


Don and Meryl went out to dinner along the beach at a lobster restaurant. They sat there drinking wine and relaxing. Meryl took Don's hand in hers. "This is absolutely wonderful Don, thank you." She smiled.

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