Chapter 77

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Don fell asleep with his wife; but quickly woke up when he heard Brady screaming. He sat up and pulled the bassinet as close to the bed as could since he couldn't stand up on both legs and carry him. Don moved the bassinet back and forth. "What is it little man, huh?" Don couldn't help but laugh how Brady balled his hands in a fist and his face was red. When it felt like to Don he had only known their babies for a week or so because of his amnesia; he smiled that he already knew what their cries meant. He reached in and picked his son up. "Okay, I know your mama really wants to feed you; let's wake her up." Don bent down and gently kissed Meryl's lips; not wanting to scare her awake. He hated waking her up especially since she hadn't woken up to Brady's screams which told him she needed the rest; but he knew how much she wanted to nurse the babies. "Wake up, baby. Mer, wake up, love."

"Huh?" Meryl said in a somewhat drugged state. "What happened?"

Don helped her sit up while still holding Brady. "I'm sorry to wake you up, sweetheart. I know how much you need your sleep; but he's pretty hungry."

"It's okay, I want to feed them." Meryl said as Don helped her get ready. "You didn't stand did you? Just because this happened to me I don't want you to hurt your..."

Don shook his head at his wife; always so worried about him. He cut off what she was saying by placing a kiss on her lips. "The bassinet was close enough I just pulled it closer and got him. He was sure pissed."

"He's like his daddy when he's hungry." Meryl teased as she took Brady from him and began nursing. "Thank you for waking me up. I'm glad you got to feed them earlier."

Don smiled softly as he ran his fingers through her hair. "I feel like you do about bottles; however, I need you to get the rest you need."

"I'm fine, sweetheart." Meryl assured him as she leaned over and kissed his lips which caused Brady to unlatch; something that made her baby boy mad. Meryl got him to latch again and kissed his head. "Sorry, Brady boy. How's the girl?"

Don smiled as he picked up Mags who was stretching and opening her eyes. "She wakes up so much better than her brother." Don said as they both laughed. "Would you like me to change her before she nurses?"

"If you don't mind." Meryl then was worried. "I don't want you to have to put her down and get up to get the diapers and wipes."

Don shook his head as he reached for some things on the bottom shelf of the bassinet. "Liz got me set up earlier so I wouldn't have to get up while you were sleeping. I'm glad to change her; and then I'll change him."

"I'm sorry I feel asleep on you." Meryl said as she watched their son nurse; running a finger across his little cheek.

Don decided to tease her. "Am I that boring?"

"Never." Meryl laughed as she knew that's what he wanted. "I blame the drugs."

Don winked at her as he changed Mags. "I'm glad you fell asleep; I WANTED you to fall asleep. How's my girl now?"

"Which one?" Meryl teased and he laughed. "I'm feeling better baby; both physically and emotionally, so thank you."

Don picked up Mags and placed a long kiss on his wife's lips; not able to stop the tears that formed in his eyes. "Thank god; I was so scared of losing you."

"Never, baby." Meryl choked as Brady unlatched. "I guess he's done."

Don smiled as he gave her Mags; and he started to change Brady. "He's always quick."

"Again, just like his Daddy." Meryl winked. "I can spend hours making a meal and you're done in 10 minutes."

Don shrugged. "My girl is a great cook."

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