Chapter 16

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"Are they okay, babe?" Meryl asked Don as she was laying on the examination table while Don stood by her and held her hand.

Don peered in the stroller that was right next to him as he pushed it back and forth with the hand that was not in his wife's hand. "Sleeping like the babies they are."

"Good." Meryl sighed in relief; thinking it was a good thing that she topped the babies off before they left the apartment in case her appointment took longer than expected. Which it was. "I'm sorry this is taking so long."

Don shook his head as he kissed her hand; that was the least of his worries at the moment. Besides, what doctor was on time anyways? "I don't care; the babies are fine. I'm just glad they could work you in. You know I've wanted you to have a full work up anyways; so this is the perfect opportunity."

"Sweetheart, I really am fine." Meryl smiled softly at him. "I understand why you're worried; but I'm feeling better than I have in months."

Don raised his eyebrow at her. "You were moving pretty carefully last night. You looked pretty gray, too."

"How do I look now?" Meryl asked smiling.

Don laughed at what his wife was trying to do. "Beautiful as always; I just want to make sure everything is okay. You are doing more than you have in months."

"And it feels so nice." Meryl sighed happily. "I've missed being me; being us."

Don nodded as he kissed her forehead. "You always were and always will be. Let's just make sure you're not doing too much; including this trip."

"Hey, you two." Dr. Taylor walked in. "Everything okay?"

Meryl nodded. "I appreciate you working me in so quickly."

"I was worried when I heard you needed to come in to see me." Dr. Taylor said patting the stirrups;  but not before looking into the stroller. "They are absolutely beautiful. Doing well?"

Meryl smiled as Don helped her situate herself in the stirrup. "They are amazing babies; so happy and easy. They are doing well, thank God. We had their one week appointment on Friday."

"They're getting another check up today." Don said. "As well as Meryl."

Meryl saw the questioning look on the doctor's face. "My husband is a worry wort."

"He has every reason to be." Dr. Taylor said. "You've been through a lot."

Don smirked proudly at Meryl. "See?"

"Thanks, Doc." Meryl laughed.

The doctor smiled at Don. "Okay Meryl, I'm going to do a pelvic."

"Squeeze my hand, Darl." Don said as he kissed her hand. "If it hurts."

Dr. Taylor was feeling around. "Everything feels good in there; any tenderness?"

"No more than normal this soon after childbirth." Meryl laughed.

The doctor lifted up Meryl's gown. "Your incisions are looking good as well. I assume that they are still pretty tender?"

"Yeah; but it's getting better." Meryl said as Don helped her sit up. "They've been itching so I've put lotion on them."

Dr. Taylor nodded as she took out her stethoscope. "Take some deep breaths."

"How is she?" Don asked as the doctor finished listening to Meryl's heart and lungs.

The doctor wrote some notes in her chart. "Looking great. Incisions are healing nicely. Your heart and lungs sound great. Temp and blood pressure and oxygen saturations are perfect. You're already down to you pre-pregnancy weight I see."

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