Chapter 80

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Several days later, Don and Meryl found themselves in Larry's private office on the jet. They settled in back there so she could easily nurse both babies at the same time during take-off and landing. Don and Meryl decided just to stay back there during the whole flight so it would be easier on both of them. Don was sitting on the couch in the office next to Meryl as he held Mags and she started situating Brady. "Just tell me when you're ready for her, sweetheart."

"We're gaining altitude; so as soon as he latches." Meryl said knowing it always took Brady longer to latch; though their pediatrician assured them there was nothing to worry about. "I don't want her little ears to pop."

Don nodded as he kissed the top of their daughter's head. "She's just chilling."

"My laid back baby girl." Meryl smiled as she nodded. "Okay; I'm ready for her."

One of the few things Don remembered was how he helped Meryl do this before; and so he helped put Mags in place and then grabbed the boppies. "I asked Dad to leave these back here; I thought that they might give you more support than the blankets being rolled up."

"They are much better." Meryl sighed in relief. "Give my arms a break."

Don smiled as he stroked her hair; relieved at how she was looking better and better everyday. "Can I get you something to drink or a snack?"

"I'll eat after I nurse." Meryl smiled sweetly at him. "Baby, why don't you prop your leg up? That's why I had Larry pull the ottoman over."

Don laughed at his wife. "If it will make you rest better I will."

"I just love these times with the three of you." Meryl said laying her head on his shoulder the best she could. They stayed like that for awhile as she was unaware of what was going on in her husband's head. When she thought he had been quiet for awhile, and thought she could feel something wet on her head, she looked up and saw tears in her husband's eyes. "Sweetheart? Are you okay? Are you in pain?"

Don shook his head as he swallowed past his tears and gave her his smile. "I just had a memory."

"Really?" Meryl asked excitedly as he nodded with a smile. "Tell me."


It was the morning of March 12th. As usual on that day, Meryl was quiet. She never wanted to burden Don with her sadness on the anniversary of John's death; though he was always wonderful. Each year the pain was a little less; but even 34 years later she still remembers being in that small hospital room with him as he took his last breath. Don knew it was something that would always be with her; he felt it always should be. He also knew that event not only shaped her into the woman she became; but it also shaped their marriage and life together as it taught both of them what was important. After they ate breakfast and shared some conversations about the news, Don grabbed her coat, boots and found her checking her email in the office; and went over closing her MacBook. She looked up at him in question. "Yes?"

"We're going out." Don smiled as he handed her boots and coat.

Meryl raised her eyebrow at him. "You're springing me?"

"I am; but I'm driving." Don smiled at her. "Oh, and we won't be back until tomorrow; so Mamie is going to come stay with Birdie."

Meryl finished putting on her boots and took the hand he offered her, letting him put her coat on her. "Shouldn't I pack a bag or something?"

"All taken care of." Don grinned proudly. "So, want to go on an adventure with your husband?"

Meryl's heart melted. She knew what he was doing. He did this every year on the anniversary of John's death; but not to this extent. He would take her out for dinner or lunch; but never a night away. "What's the occasion?"

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