Chapter 36

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"I tried so hard to save him." Meryl sobbed hysterically. "That damn door was so hard to get open. Ice and snow were coming down so hard. I got him out as soon as I could. I tried so hard. It wasn't good enough. I didn't get there in time. I wasn't good enough."

Liz looked at Larry and he grabbed Meryl's hand and smiled softly at his best friend's wife. "You know, all those years ago when Don told me he finally found 'her.' That he found who he was always meant to share a life with; I was worried because I didn't want him to get hurt. I knew she had to be special because thanks to James and Peggy he didn't think he deserved love; and then when the man who said he was terrified to have children because of his fatherly influence said he wanted to have a huge family with 'her' I knew she was something special. I think it's fair to say you fulfilled all of his dreams and gave him that huge family he ONLY wanted with you." Liz and Larry and Meryl all had to wipe away their tears; Meryl of course had more than the others. "You love my buddy like no one else ever could; and ever would. You have saved his life in so many ways: emotionally and by bullets and also mentally from his hellish childhood. Today, you risked your own life and well-being and pulled him out of a burning car. You threw your body over his when his car burst in flames. You knew he was emotionally hurting and you found him. You saved his life today, Mary Louise. He's alive. You saved his life. You are so much more than good enough. You are him and he is you. He is still with us all because of you and your love and determination and courage."

"He's alive?" Meryl cried. "Is he really?"

Liz nodded and squeezed her friend's hand. "They said you got there just in time and you saved his life. I don't know how you managed to open that jammed door and drag Gummer boy out; but thank God you did. I don't know how you summoned enough strength emotionally and physically but you did it, M."

"I couldn't leave him in there. No way in hell." Meryl choked. "He and our children are my life."

Larry kissed his best friend's wife's cheek. "We know."

"Where is he?" Meryl reached out to touch her babies. "I'm sure he's missing them; and they're missing him just as much."

Larry looked at Liz who took over again. "A lot as happened; and I know you'll have lots of questions. Let me start with what's going on with you."

"Can I hold our babies? Please?" Meryl choked.

Liz helped Larry placed the babies on Meryl's chest. Larry smiled at her. "How's that? Let's just start with you holding them like that for now."

"Oh my babies; I love you so incredibly much and so does Daddy." Meryl cried as she kissed their heads then looked at Liz. "Don't start with what's going on with me. Start with Don, please. I need to know what's wrong with him. What's going on with my husband? Something is wrong if he isn't here and you aren't with him, Larry."

Liz looked at Larry to answer Meryl's questions. "He is holding his own. He has broken ribs and lots of burns, not serious though, that they are treating. They removed chards of debris from his face and arms and are treating those. They're cleaning him up and everything which is why I'm not with him; but I have been, and I told him you're okay and that we are taking good care of you and these perfect little babies. Now Mer, I don't want you to get too worked up; but he is unconscious."

"What are they saying?" Meryl asked. "It must be really bad."

Liz ran her hand over Meryl's head. "He does have some brain swelling but that will dissipate. Once it does he will wake up. His brain activity is great. Vitals are great. Pupils are responsive. He responds to pain stimuli."

"You know my buddy." Larry teased. "You and the babies were getting too much attention; so now it's his turn."

Meryl finally smiled through her tears. "I will give him all the attention in the world."

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