Chapter 85

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Larry and Meryl got Don and the babies back to Brad and Jane's as quickly as possible. While Larry and Brad helped Don get into the house; Liz and Jane helped Meryl with the babies. Once the babies were settled down in their bassinets, Meryl told everyone she could take it from there and thanked them for their help; Don had fallen asleep as soon as they got him in bed. Jane and Brad offered to take the babies but Meryl said Don would want them as soon as he woke up; and she wanted them as well. She promised Don time alone just the 4 of them even though they were staying with his parents; and she wanted to make sure he got it. Once they were alone she stripped Don down to his boxers and undershirt due to him sweating so much. "This isn't even waking you up?" Meryl teased her husband with a kiss to his lips as she ran her fingers down his chest. She shook her head that even in his sleep and the hell his body had gone through that he was responding to her sexually when she saw evidence of an arousal in his boxers. "Even asleep and mentally and emotionally exhausted you're ready for me." She laughed quietly as she tenderly kissed his lips again. "Soon baby, I promise you. I'm right here with you. The babies are great and are here with us. I'm going to change and get comfortable. We're going to have time alone just the 4 of us when you wake up, sweetheart. Just get the rest you need. I love you so much." Meryl sighed as she changed into comfortable clothes. She knew this was expected with the stress his brain was under. She smiled as she changed when she thought about even though he was absolutely exhausted that he continued to flirt with her in the car on the way out to his parents. That was her Don through and through. As much as she knew he needed sleep; she also couldn't wait until he woke up because she needed to make sure that with the extreme stress of the day that he was alright.


Meryl was sitting on the bed next to her husband, constantly talking to him and kissing him, with her babies laid out on the bed in front of her. She knew they needed to stretch and have some one on one time with her; she also knew they would need time with their daddy whenever he woke up. She talked softly to them. "I know, I want Daddy to wake up too, my loves. I'm sure he will soon. In the meantime you're stuck with me. I know I'm not as fun as Daddy because he makes up those silly songs and rubs his stubble on your cheeks. Though I am pretty good at the funny voices according to your brother and sisters." Meryl looked beside her as the babies started crying, knowing they were hungry but was hoping Don would be awake before they needed to eat; but he wasn't. "Okay, it looks like you get just Mommy with this feeding."


Meryl had just finished feeding and changing the babies. She then sang to them and put them in their pajamas and laid them in their bassinets for the night. Meryl leaned down and kissed them both. "You two are growing up too fast for this mama; already in your own bassinets. Don't grow up too fast, please. Get some sleep, my loves; and hopefully your daddy will be awake by the time you are." Meryl sighed as she climbed back in bed next to her husband, feeling his forehead with her hand and tenderly kissing his lips as she then gently rubbed his chest; knowing how much he enjoyed that. "Well, you're cooler, so that's good. I called Hal and told him about you remembering and your headache and sweating; like the courthouse doctor said, it's normal. I just needed to make sure. I hope you're able to sleep off that headache, baby. When you wake up I will get you whatever you want to eat; I don't care if I have to call a taxi to take me to get it. You'll get it." Meryl whispered with a kiss to his lips as there was a slight tap at the door. Meryl sat up as she wiped away her tears. "Come in."

"How's he doing?" Jane asked quietly as she walked into the room.

Meryl shrugged as she looked back down at her husband. "Still sleeping. He's cooler which is good. I called Dr. Abbott and this is normal. The babies cries haven't woken him up. Me fussing with him hasn't woken him up."

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