Chapter 18

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Don slowly woke up when he felt movement against him. He smiled as he saw that his wife was too waking up but the babies were still asleep. "Did we both fall asleep?"

"I guess so." Meryl spoke softly as she began to wake up. "You fell asleep while I was signing to them."

Don gave her his trademark smile that still had the ability to melt her at the knees. "I do love your singing."

"Then I fell asleep; you three looked too cute not to cuddle up to." Meryl winked as she looked at her watch. "We've been asleep for almost two hours."

Don got a worried expression. "Your dinner! I'm sorry. I didn't put it in the refrigerator; and I don't want you to eat it and get sick."

"We could order in." Meryl suggested. "They need to eat. I can feed them, you can get comfy and order us food. I hate for you to go get any."

Don nodded. "How bout I take one with me while you feed the other and I change?"

"Sounds good." Meryl said taking Brady. "He's been my problem eater lately."

Don laughed as they both woke up the babies. "What sounds good? I can always go back to McCormick and Schmick's and get you something."

"Don't be ridiculous." Meryl laughed. "Just something from the grill downstairs will be fine, baby. You order for me; you know that I like."

"Yes, I do." Don winked as he kissed her lips. "You're okay with him if I take her? I'll change her and swaddle her back."

"That'd be a huge help; thank you, baby." Meryl smiled. "I did miss you tonight."

Don winked at her. "You better."

"Go get comfortable." Meryl said getting situated to feed her son again. "He latched immediately."

Don grinned at how excited she was over how quickly Brady latched. "I know you're worried about him; but he is doing better."

"I was afraid I might have to start him on formula or something." Meryl sighed. "Which there is nothing wrong with; I just really love nursing."

Don nodded as he made faces at Mags once she was awake. "I know you do; okay, we'll be back."

"We'll be here." Meryl ran her finger across Brady's face soothingly. "I'm so proud of you, my big boy. Just take your time; Mama wants you to eat lots and lots so you can grow big and strong. That's my little guy. You're doing great. Please just keep it up."


Once Don and Meryl fed the babies and ate their own meal, Don wheeled the bassinet back into their bedroom in the suite to his side of the bed as he then got into bed. He smiled at her as she walked back into the bedroom from brushing her teeth and pulled back the covers for her but noticed she went over to their suitcases. "What are you doing? Do you need help?"

"I'm not lifting anything heavy, I promise." Meryl said getting something out of their bag and joining him in bed, handing him a velvet box. "For my husband."

Don was beyond confused. "Sweetheart, if this is about our anniversary I told you that you gave me the two best anniversary gifts you could ever have given me."

"Not exactly." Meryl smiled. "Open it."

Don gasped when he saw a beautiful watch with a thick black leather band. "I love it; thank you, Darl."

"Look at the back." She said as she accepted his kiss to her lips.

Don smiled as he read the love. "Love, M. Thank you, baby; though I'm not really sure what I did to deserve this. Or how you were able to get it done."

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