Chapter 33

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The next several days were nice and calm ones for Don and Meryl. They were up when the babies were up; and slept whenever the babies slept. Don was relieved that Meryl seemed much more relaxed; as she and the babies fell asleep for their morning naps he hoped that would continue. A fall snowstorm had rolled into Connecticut and both he and Meryl were looking forward to being snowed in next to fire with each other and their almost 3 week old babies. Don knew that was too much to ask for when he heard the door open and slam shut...LOUDLY. He quickly got up from where he was laying on the couch with Meryl, careful not to disturb her, and closed the doors of the den so he could see who the hell was there on a weekday morning all the way out in Mason's Island; and during a snow storm. "Henry? Suze? Mai? Gracie? What are you all doing all the way out here during a snow storm? And with Lily girl."

"What in the hell is going on?" Grace asked throwing her bag down on the floor.

Mamie shook her head. "Child Protective Services, Daddy?"

"Who told you?" Don asked as he already knew this conversation wouldn't be going well.

Henry shook his head. "Our cousins told us after you pressed more charges against their father. It doesn't matter WHO told us; why in the hell didn't you call and tell us?"

"Can we please keep it down? Your mother, brother and sister are all resting; which is what they need after all of this." Don said nodding towards the den and making sure the doors were closed. "I called and told you about Uncle Dana and that your mom needed peace and calm after all of that."

Henry put down Lily's baby carrier as she was asleep. "You left out the part where you were questioned by Child Protective Services.; and our 2 week old baby sister was hurt."

"I took care of it; I made sure them and all of you were safe and protected. That is what I have done for 34 years and will continued to do so until the day I die." Don said somewhat matter of factly. "Your mother was beside herself and I wanted to make sure she was calm; I was sick and tired of her having to live through that."

Mamie raised her eyebrow. "So it was all about you?"

"Excuse me? This was about your mother, your infant brother and sister and ALL of you. Trying to protect all of you and not hurt any of you with what happened by your uncle more that necessary. How can you say it was about ME?!" Don asked; not liking where this was going. "If you all came out here to gang up on your mother and me; that is the LAST thing in the world she needs right now."

Grace shook her head. "Do you even care or think about what she needs? What we all need?"

"That's all I ever think about." Don sighed. "It is also why we didn't tell you; we were trying not to bring you all into this."

Suzie had tried to talk her husband and his sisters down; but with no luck. She didn't like how her godparents were being treated. Suzie reached out and squeezed her godfather's hand. "That must have been extremely scary, Uncle Don; for you and Aunt Meryl. I can't even imagine."

"Thanks, Suzie girl." Don said winking at his goddaughter and daughter-in-law. "It was."

Grace was pacing. "Were you thinking about our mother and all of us when you chose not to tell us that she almost died giving birth?"

"That she did die giving birth." Mamie correct.

Henry shook his head. "What the hell else aren't you telling us, Dad?"

"Henry." Don was surprised by his son's tone after their heart to heart two weeks previous. "I thought we were good; I thought we had an understanding. I thought we cleared all of this up right after we brought Mags and Brady home."

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