Chapter 95

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Meryl and Don woke up the next morning completely happy. They both felt as if there were no secrets between them, and Meryl was finally at peace with John's death and her relationship with Don. They were just laying in bed holding one another, talking.

"Don, there is something I want to tell you." She said propping herself up on an elbow looking at him.

"Shoot." He smiled.

"John's death was hard, traumatic, but you have helped me in the healing process. I don't know where I would be without you. You made me appreciate life again. You reminded me what it is like to be in love." She said leaning down to kiss him.

"Babe, you went through it, I was just there to listen." He said.

"You did and are doing so much more than that. You can never know the effect you have made on my life. John's death taught me to live every moment to the fullest, not to let love, or life, pass you by. I have learned what really matters in this life and that is family, relationships, and love. I think one reason why it has been so hard for me to move on is because I am afraid of being hurt again." She admitted.

"Meryl, I would never hurt you. I want to build a life with you." He told her.

"I want that too, Don. That is why I am saying this. I know it is early to be talking marriage, but I don't want to lose you, I honestly don't know if I can handle another loss." She choked.

"You aren't going to lose me. I am with you every step of the way. I know this all has happened so fast, but I am going to hold onto you with both hands." He said.

"Even when I have bad days, I don't want you to forget that I love you, and I do want to build a future with you. I want to be your partner, Don." She smiled.

"You are, you have been since I got back from Europe, whether we realized it or not." He said making them both laugh. "Actually in my heart, you have been since I walked into that screening room."

"There are some things we need to talk about, though." She pointed out as they laid in one another's arms.

"Okay." He said signaling for her to continue.

"I don't know where my career is going to take me. Having a relationship with an actress won't be easy. I will be on location shoots, kissing other men on screen, interviews, people in my business. Which means our lives won't always be our own. It's not fair to you." She pointed out.

"Meryl, I want a life with you. We can find a balance as we go. My job is such that I can work from anywhere. I can work as easily in another state or country as I can in New York, that is if you want me to go with you." He laughed.

"I have a feeling I will." She said placing a kiss on his chest.

"I have to admit, it won't be easy watching you with other men. Just the thought of it is hard for me to take." He admitted. He didn't want to think of another man's lips on her skin, another man's hands caressing her.

Meryl turned on her side to face him. "Don, those are love scenes. There are certain techniques actors use. It is nothing like when you kiss me or make love to me. They are so unromantic. There are people everywhere, lights, a director always telling you what to do. I am in my character, I am no longer Meryl. I know it won't be easy, but it would only work if you trust me."

"I trust you with my life. I just have to say it will take me time to get used to." He admitted.

"I know, and I understand. All of this is new to us." She said kissing him. "There is something else I wanted to ask you." She said when they broke away.

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