Chapter 48

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"What do you mean he needs surgery now?" Meryl asked tightening her hold on her husband's hand. "Is it his brain?"

Don shook his head; not really caring about himself at the moment. "I want to hear what Meryl's tests showed; I'm really worried about her."

"I'll get to Meryl in a minute." The doctor said. "Don, you have a broken femur; and it is broken in several places. You need surgery to fuse the bones back together with screws and rods. I'm concerned it has gone so long undetected and what damage that has created."

Meryl shook her head as she tried to follow. "And why was it undetected? He's had all kinds of scans."

"For some reason it didn't show up on the scans." The doctor said as he could tell Meryl wasn't happy. "We don't have a surgeon who can do it; so we are trying to find one; you need surgery as soon as possible so there isn't further damage."

Meryl held up her hand; she did NOT want him to have the surgery there. "I want him transferred to New York Presbyterian as soon as possible. Our doctor, Dr Harold Abbott, is the chief there and Don will get the best surgeon there is. I'll pay what needs to pay; but I want the best care for my husband; and it sounds like he has gone way too long without the care he needs."

"He needs to be MedFlighted on a helicopter because of his condition; and I will set that up." The doctor couldn't really blame Meryl for being upset.

Meryl nodded. "Our babies and I will ride with him."

"Mrs. Gummer, I'm sorry but that's not possible." The doctor said as he saw Meryl's face drop and Don wrap his arm around her. "There won't be enough seats, it won't be safe for your babies and there is no medical reason for you to be MedFlighted."

Don turned Meryl's head to his as he wiped away her tears. "It's okay, baby; you three go in Larry's helicopter with him and Lizzie. It won't be long."

"I'm going to make sure we beat you there." Meryl choked as he kissed her cheek and gently smiled at her. She wanted to fight them both on this; but knew that wouldn't get her anywhere and this was probably for the best even though she hated it. "What about his brain? Everything else?"

The doctor smiled. "Everything else checked out well; just your broken ribs as well as your burns and now this."

"I'm going to have Hal do a complete work on you once we get home." Meryl said strongly to her husband.

Don smiled as he continued to wipe away her tears. "I know you will. How is my wife?"

"No broken bones or anything to be too concerned about. I know you're exhausted and need to sleep." The doctor said. "If you were staying here then I would give you something to help you sleep; but since you're not I would suggest your doctor in New York give you something."

Meryl shook her head strongly. "NOT right now."

"We'll talk to Hal." Don wasn't going to let this go. "What about this cut on her head?"

The doctor nodded. "I want to keep the bandage on. She does have a concussion; but she can sleep, she just needs to take it as easy as possible. She does need stitches."

"I'm not leaving this hospital until she gets stitches." Don said strongly.

The doctor sighed. "Mr. Gummer, you need surgery as soon as possible. Mrs. Gummer, if you would like to stay around once your husband..."

"NO!" Meryl said strongly; not even needing to hear the rest of the sentence. "I'll get them in New York once he's in surgery."

The doctor nodded. "I will arrange for the transport and call Dr. Abbott."

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