Chapter 93

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After a restful weekend and getting the babies back into a routine. Meryl and Don were just so happy to be in their own home; and while they were still pretty limited on what they could do, they were both happy to be able to care for each other and their babies. On Monday they were out for most of the day. Starting with the babies' 6 week check up, then Don's post op checking up, and then Meryl's check up. Before the babies' appointment they had stopped by so the doctor could draw Meryl's labs and run some tests so the results would be back for them to go over at her appointment that day. Meryl was worried about Don's checkup; but hopeful she would be released that day. She was also anxious to see how the babies were progressing and make sure they were on track with their weight. Don was also anxious to see how the babies were progressing since he couldn't remember going to their previous appointments; and he was worried about Meryl's doctor's appointment, having a feeling that she wouldn't be released that day because of her surgery from pulling him from the car. He didn't care about them not being able to being intimate; he was just afraid of what that would do to her. He didn't want her to think he didn't want her, he did more than anything; he was just more concerned about her needs and recovery. He was also nervous to see how his brain healing was coming. It was sure to be a long day with hopefully more ups than downs.


"Don, Meryl, good to see you." Dr. Brooks, the babies' pediatrician said walking in. "And these little ones."

Meryl and Don were sitting in chairs in the examination room while each were holding a baby. Don felt kind of awkward; he should know their children's pediatrician but he couldn't remember them. "Nice to see you, Dr. Brooks."

"How are our babes?" Meryl asked kissing Mags' head as Don did the same to Brady. She could tell Don felt uncomfortable; and she wanted to move forward so as not to make Don feel even more self-conscious. "How's their weight?"

The doctor smiled with a nod as he washed his hands and then took Mags and laid her on the examination table. "Both of them are where they should be. Their weight is just where it should be. All of their measurements are perfect as well as hearing and vision tests. I just want to open her diaper and check her."

"Thankfully we haven't had any episodes of diaper rash." Meryl said as she took Brady from Don.

Don was watching the doctor. "Is she okay?"

"Just perfect." The doctor smiled as he fastened her diaper back. "Don, I'll let you put her clothes back on her."

Don smiled as she took his daughter in his arms, placing her on his lap, and putting her outfit back on her. "Her bruises from 4weeks ago?"

"Baby, she's been doing so much better." Meryl said as she placed Brady on the examination table and undid his clothing.

The doctor nodded as he began to examine Brady. "No more marks; you all did everything absolutely right. She didn't have any tenderness. She's doing just fine."

"Brady boy?" Meryl asked as she watched the doctor do just what he did with Mags and examine his spine and other areas. "He's okay?"

The doctor smiled as he finished examining inside his diaper and fastened it back. "Everything looks good and developing like it should, just like Mags."

"What about his weight?" Meryl asked as she started to dress Brady back while the doctor washed his hands again. "It's okay?"

Don smiled tenderly at his wife. "He doesn't always eat as much as his sister."

"His weight is fine." Dr. Brooks smiled as he was making notes in Brady and Mags' chart. "Is he latching alright?"

Meryl nodded as she picked her son up and kissed his little bald head. "He is; and he seems interested while he's eating."

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