Road Trip

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Connor zipped up his backpack and picked up his suitcase, but Evan grabbed it from him. "I-I can carry it...
f-for you," the shorter boy walked down the stairs towards the Murphy's minivan. Evan would not see Connor for 2 whole weeks and he wanted to spend as much time as he could with him before they had to part ways.

Connor huffed and followed Evan. He had never agreed to the road trip across the country and back. If anything, he was completely against it. But what his mom says goes, and no matter how much Connor pleaded with her, Cynthia would not budge. "This will be good bonding time," she had said. "We need this, as a family."

Evan placed Connor's suitcase in the trunk of the minivan, and wiped a tear from his eye. He didn't want to cry. Not in front of Connor. He had to stay strong.

Cynthia emerged from the front door, locking the house behind her. "Alright guys! Say your goodbyes, Connor."

Connor turned toward Evan. "I'm gonna miss you."

"It's 2 whole weeks, Con. I-I don't...I don't know if I..." a tear fell down Evan's cheek, despite all of his effort.

Connor pecked the shorter boy's lips and took off his sweatshirt. "Keep this 'till I get back. I have another one in my backpack. And I'll call you, okay?"

Evan took the sweatshirt and nodded. Connor kissed him one more time, then hopped into the car. As they pulled away, Connor waved.

Once the car was out of sight, that was when Evan let all the tears out.


Larry pulled the car onto the highway, and Cynthia looked at the backseat, where her two kids sat. Connor had his headphones plugged in, trying not to think about Evan. Zoe was texting.

"Okay, guys!" Cynthia said and Zoe looked up. "Connor. CONNOR." Connor didn't respond, just kept staring out the window. Zoe pinched his shoulder, and Connor finally payed attention, taking off his headphones. "What the fuck do you want," he said grumpily, giving Zoe a death stare.

"Aww, you sad you miss your boyfriend," Zoe made big puppy dog eyes and pouted.

"Zoe, stop it," Connor shoved her. "Fuck you.

"Fuck you!"

"Okay, guys," Cynthia said again, and they glared at her. "Since this is family bonding time, you're not allowed to use your phones. Put them in this," she handed Zoe a ziplock bag, but Zoe started ranting defiantly. Connor just simply said, "Fuck you," and placed his phone in the bag, the ringer still on.

"Zoe, in the bag. Now," Zoe sent one last text, then placed her phone in the box.

"Good job kiddos!" Larry said from the drivers seat. "Now, who wants to play the license plate game? Oh! I found Florida!"

Connor sighed. This was going to be a long road trip.


Evan stepped into his bedroom and immediately collapsed onto the bed sobbing. He couldn't believe it had only been about 10 minutes, and already he was a mess. He couldn't even think about what he would be like in the next 2 weeks.

At least Connor had given him his sweatshirt. It smelled like him, strongly of cinnamon, with a hint of weed. Evan held it up to his face and took a strong sniff, and almost instantly he felt better.

He laid there in his bed for the next few hours, smelling Connor's sweatshirt and crying. He didn't even eat anything, just hid under the sweatshirt and passed out from exhaustion.

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