Parenting AU

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Requested by Broadwayluvnbud
I was gonna post it tomorrow, but something's telling me to post it today. So here ya go!

Connor is a psychology teacher at their old high school. Evan is the assistant ranger at Ellison State Park. All of their kids are adopted because I say so.

The kids' names:
-Parker Autumn Murphy; 14 years
-Oliver Floyd Murphy; 8 years
-Ellison Heidi Murphy; 3 years

Connor opened his eyes and watched as the sunlight streamed in through the window in beautiful rays. He smiled at the peaceful silence, one he had not had in a long time. He sighed, kissing his husbands forehead gently before checking his phone. 8:09 am.

On a Monday.

He flipped the covers up and jumped out of bed, almost scaring Evan half to death. "SHI...I mean...SHOOT, EVAN!" He ran to his closet and ripped a shirt from the hanger. Evan sat up quickly. "What? Did someone throw up? Are we on fire? OH MY GOD WERE WE ROBBED?"

Connor didn't answer, he didn't have time to answer. He left Evan and ran out to the hallway, pulling up his pants and buttoning his shirt. He stuck his head in his eldest daughter's room. "Parker, get your angsty teenaged ass out of that bed NOW." Parker grunted in reply, shoving her head under the covers.

"Ollie, I swear to God, if you don't get up, you don't get breakfast." Oliver rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms out.

"Ellie? Sweetie, please wake up we have to get ready to go," Connor said softly and kneeled next to her bed, gently nudging the youngest Murphy child. She opened her eyes sleepily.

"But Papa, I thought it...Dad said it was..." she said gently, unsure of what to say.

"No, Ellie, you have to get up, it's Monday, time for school!" He picked her up, resting her on his hip and rushed to her dresser to find her clothes. Evan leaned in the doorway.

"Con, I gotta tell you something and it might come as a surprise to you," Connor whipped his head around to look at his husband. "It's spring break," Evan said cooly and he quickly took Ellie out of Connor's arms before he could drop her in surprise.

" mean...GOD, DAD WHY'D YOU FUCKING WAKE ME UP?!" Parker groaned from the hallway.

"Language, please!" Evan called back.

"I told you, Papa," Ellie waved her little finger at Connor disappointingly. "It's break day!"

Evan laughed, kissing the four year old's forehead. "Ya want some breakfast then?" She yawned in reply and he took her downstairs.

Connor groaned at his own stupidity, and changed back into pajamas before following his husband, grabbing Ollie along the way.


"Go fish," Ollie said and Connor, for the umpteenth time, took another a card from the pile.

Evan walked down the stairs, putting his cellphone in his pocket and smiling. "My boss said as long as I check my email, I can have off this week!" Ellie grinned in reply from her seat in Connor's lap, untangling her hands from his hair. She had a weird habit of playing with Connor's long hair whenever she could reach it.

Evan sat next to his husband and watched as they finished their game. "How do you always end up winning?" Connor asked Ollie as he put the cards away.

Ollie shrugged, smirking. "I guess I'm just good like that."

Parker came out of the kitchen, fixing her hair. "What are we doing today? Just staying home?"

Evan shrugged. "I thought we'd go to the playground maybe?" Oliver and Ellie both cheered in response, but Parker groaned. "And if we have time I thought we'd get some ice cream?" Evan continued, and Parker's attitude instantly changed.

"Okay, fine. But only for the ice cream," Parker tried to hide her smile as she grabbed her jacket.


Evan watched from the bench as Parker and Connor helped Ellie up the ladder.

"I think I'm wanting vanilla ice cream today," Ellie smiled at Connor from the top of the ladder, already thinking about later.

"Oh yeah? Maybe you should try chocolate this time, it's really good," Parker said. Ellie pondered for a moment, tapping a finger on her chin. "Mmm...nope, just vanilla."

Connor gave Parker a thumbs up to watch her sister and went to sit next to Evan on the bench.

"Look, dad!" Oliver called. Evan looked up to see him climbing the tree that was situated behind the bench. He laughed.

"Please be careful," Evan called back. "When I was in high school, I fell from a tree and broke my arm." Connor smiled contently at the memory. "God, that feels like to so long ago," he remarked, wrapping his arm around his husband. Evan nodded, "Yeah, but look at where we are now."  He gestured to Ellie who was giggling endlessly as she rushed down the slide, and plopped down on the ground. She got up, brushing herself off, and ran back to her sister who helped her up the ladder again.

Connor couldn't help but give Evan a quick kiss. "I couldn't ask for anything better."

Aw, wasn't that adorable? So cute, I love Connor and Evan as parents.

Ok, so the stories behind their childrens' names (because I feel like telling you and I had time to think of this since I have no life):

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Ok, so the stories behind their childrens' names (because I feel like telling you and I had time to think of this since I have no life):

Evan wanted to name their first child after a tree, but Connor was totally against it so he said why not compromise and name her Parker because there are trees in parks. And of course Evan had to agree. Autumn was because of the Autumn Smiles Apple Orchard, obviously.

For the second child, Evan let Connor pick the names because he still felt bad about their first child, and Connor wanted something more generic and not related to nature. Oliver because Connor liked the name, and Floyd because Pink Floyd, of course.

As for their last child, Connor wanted to name her Heidi because I always thought Connor and Heidi would have a really tight relationship. But Evan wanted to name her Ellison after the Ellison State Park where he works and Connor thought it was too cute.

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