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"So if x equals 6, then y is..." Evan waited for a moment to let Connor try to answer, but he just stared at the paper expressionless. This was hopeless, Evan thought. If Connor wasn't gonna try, there was no use helping him.

"C'mon Connie..."

"Connie?" Connor spat back and glared at him, and Evan was surprised lasers didn't come out of his eyes. He knew he messed up, big time. Connor hated it when he used nicknames. Evan didn't mean to be offensive, they just came out when he didn't know what else to say. And he knew just having these tutoring sessions made Connor uneasy and more importantly unpredictable. The only reason Connor even came was because his mother made him.

"I mean...c'mon Connor, this is easy. It's xy=42. So if x equals 6 then y is..."

"How do you expect me to know my addition tables?" Connor half yelled and slammed his hand on his bedroom desk, practically shaking the whole house. Someone, probably Zoe, peeled out of her room to shush them. Evan thanked God they weren't in the dining room this time,m.

"Its not even addition," Evan said under his breath and closed his eyes, trying to relax himself. "How did you manage to pass Algebra if you can't even do this?"

Connor shrugged. "Answer keys and a lot of copying. Also manipulating the calculator helped." He checked his newly painted nails, visibly bored.

"Connor...you can manipulate the calculator?" Evan picked it up, checking it to make sure it was in the default settings and that Connor wasn't cheating in that moment.

"Yeah, you just press a few buttons and you can store any information you want in it. Usually I just put in test answers though. I can teach you," Connor took the calculator from him, but Evan shook his head vigorously, grabbing it back.

"No, no...no thanks I mean. It would be fun to learn, but I'm not..."

"Stupid? Yeah, I noticed," Connor put the calculator down.

"No, your not stupid. If you can make a calculator hide answers for you you're not stupid, Connor. You're actually...the complete opposite," Evan went to put his hand ontop of Connor's nicely, but Connor pulled away quickly before they made contact. He glared at Evan again.

"My mom's just paying you to tell me that," Connor said under his breath, looking away.

Evan scooted his chair closer to the other boy. "No, she's not. I mean she is paying me, but I'm telling you the truth. You're really, really smart, Connor. And you could be smarter, if you just tried." Evan pushed the worksheet in front of him. "Come on, I've been here for half an hour and this isn't even the homework." Connor raised his head just enough to see the words on the page. Evan noticed the way his hair framed his face so his eyes stood out, and he couldn't help but stare...

His daydream wss interrupted by the loud thump of Connor's hand hitting the desk again, and he grabbed the pencil, scribbling some numbers down. He looked up at Evan once he finished, and put the pencil down. Evan slowly went to take the paper, careful not to make eye contact. He never knew what would happen if he did.

"Connor," Evan said, skimming through the problem.

"You really need to stop saying my name," Connor huffed. "It's always 'come on, Connor' or 'please, Connor'. I get it my name is Connor. What, do you have a secret kink for guys named Connor?"

Evan blushed lightly. Was he really saying his name a lot? He couldn't help it, every time he looked at the boy he felt a tingly feeling run to his spine. He just...

"C...I mean I just want you to know you got it right," Evan said, trying his best not to grin and he could hear Connor's sigh of relief. "I told you you could do it. So, let's try something from class today." Evan took out the homework and Connor grabbed the paper before he could say anything else.

There was a long, awful, silence where the only sound came from Connor's pencil, with the occasional click of the calculator buttons. Evan had never seen the boy work this fast before. It was like he had a huge cup of coffee, and the caffeine was still pumping in his blood. Evan watched as Connor's hair feel from behind his ears, and he wondered what it would feel like to touch it...

"What the fuck?" Connor flinched away from Evan's outstretched arm.

"Sorry, I just...your hair is...luscious," Evan instantly regretted his choice of words. Had he come on to strong?

"Um...thanks," Connor said, and went back to scribbling on the paper. Evan was happy Connor didn't say anything else about it and tried his best to calm himself down. Connor wrote the last number, then slid the paper towards Evan again, looking at him. Right in his eyes.

Evan looked away after a moment, and went through each problem. "Correct, correct, Co...I mean...these are all right." He made it to the last problem. "Except for this one, what...is that even a real number?"

"Jesus fucking Christ, Ev, that's my phone number. Have you never flirted with anyone before?" Connor rolled his eyes, but this time there was a slightly playful sense to what he was doing. Connor had never called Evan a nickname before. He checked the clock on the wall. "Shit, you gotta go, just...text me. And give me that tomorrow," Connor said and pointed to the homework Evan was holding, clutching with all his might, as if someone might come and steal it.

Evan grabbed his backpack and tried his best not to blush. "Thanks," Connor said. "For everything. See you next week, then. My mom will pay you downstairs."

I hope that was what you wanted.

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Did you guys hear about Will Roland being Jeremy in Be More Chill? I want tickets so baaadddd...ugh.

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