[II] Taming the Fire

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Playing With Fire Part II
Requested by DidntFinishTheMilk and RedSuicideFandom and MusicalTrash170 and BrOaDwAy_WeIrDo (that's a lot of people)

"Make a left...there," Evan said and pointed to the left path of the fork in the road.

"How do you know where to go?" Connor asked with curious eyes, following Evan's directions around another bend.

Evan shrugged. "The trees are a lot louder on this path. And I also worked as an apprentice park ranger there last summer, not to brag or anything but..."

Evan's eyes twinkled, but Connor gave him a weird look and continued to drive down the long winding road to Ellison State Park. They didn't even bother to stop at an ice cream place on the way, Evan was way too excited.

They parked, and Evan rushed to open his door. But as soon as he did, all of the noisies came rushing at him at once, like opening the doors to the cafeteria or a concert. The gossip from the trees were so loud in Evan's ears, he couldn't even hear himself think.

"QUIET!" he yelled, holding his hands to his ears and squeezing his eyes shut. All at once, everything went completely silent.

The scream even scared Connor half to death, and Evan watched as a rush of yellow ran through the taller boy's bright hair. Connor was surprised Evan could yell that loud.

Evan frowned. "Sorry about that...the trees, they can be big talkers," he laughed uncomfortably, and Connor shrugged, following him down a path.

"Can you tell me how you can hear the plants again?" Connor asked as they walked through the trees, the sun peeking through the thick branches.

"It's not just animals that can communicate, plants can talk to each other too," Evan explained, ignoring a maple tree's obscure comment. "They just talk on a sound wave that's too low for the average human to be able to hear. But I'm apparently one of those people who can hear them, my ears are just built differently than yours I guess," he shrugged, walking down a small hill. "Anyways, we're here."

Evan pushed some branches away and Connor looked in astonishment at a beautiful open field that was hidden behind it, trees framing it at every side. "It's so beautiful," he smiled, turning to look at every angle.

"It looks like your hair. Kinda," Evan pointed out, since all of the trees were decorated with the red and yellow colors that autumn brings.

Evan's face turned bright red as he realized what he said. "...I mean not in an insulting way, I'm sorry did I offend you? I didn't mean to...please don't hurt me." He held his hands over his face in a defensive way.

Connor just shook his head, laughing. "I'm fine, promise. Evan sighed and nodded, feeling the redness leave his face.

"So if you can talk to trees, what's this one saying?" Connor tried to change the subject, putting his hand against the bark of the nearest tree.

Evan waited for a second for the tree to say something before giggling. "'Don't touch me...pervert,'" Evan translated through fits of laughter.

Connor's eyes widened and he looked at the tree, his hair turning a darker shade of red. "Well excuse me," he said, pointing a finger at the tree. "But I'll have you know I can burn down this whole park in two seconds..."

"Okay that's enough," Evan pulled him away from the tree and they walked down the hill towards the middle of the field. "I don't think you want to have a fight with a tree. They get angry really fast. Oh, you're really warm," he observed, taking his hand off of Connor's burning arm.

"Don't worry its normal," he shrugged, sitting in the middle of the grass.

"The grass has a lot to say about your...um..." Evan laughed, sitting next to him.

"Well the grass can go cry to their mommies," Connor rolled his eyes, and went to wrap an arm around Evan, but stopped himself. "Can...may I?"

"Yeah sure, go ahead," Evan leaned into his warm chest while Connor wrapped an arm around him. "Are you always this...hot?" Evan asked. "Not in the physical, facial features kind of hot, but like temperature-wise? Not that you're not hot in the looks kind, wait why did I say that?" Evan blushed again, playing with his fingers embarrassingly.

"Don't worry, it's fine," Connor chuckled. "I'm usually hot when I'm angry...and I'm talking about the temperature kind," Connor smiled contently.

Evan frowned. "What are you angry at?"

"My parents. School. Life. The world. You know, regular stuff," Connor shrugged.

"You're not angry at me, right?" Evan's eyes widened at the thought. "Because you can tell me, I'll be okay."

"How could I ever be mad at you? You're...perfect," Connor cupped Evan's face in his hands before crashing their lips together.

'Even his lips are warm,' Evan thought as their lips moved in sync. His arms moved to Connor's hips pulling him closer, and he felt on top of the world.

At least until the trees dated started commenting:

And to think I thought this day would never come.

I know right? We all thought Evan would be a virgin forever.

They'll probably break up anyways. Give it a week.

Evan felt the tears rush down his cheeks and onto Connor's hands. Connor pulled away. "What? What's wrong?"

Evan just shook his head, unable to say anything. He pointed a shaky finger to a clump of trees before burying his head in his hands.

Connor lit up like a match.

"Which one of you assholes said something about him?" His hair was going crazy with every shade of red and orange, and even his sweatshirt was burning. "Answer me!"

Connor screamed in frustration when he realized he wouldn't be able to hear them anyways, and Evan looked up to see his hair completely on fire. The grass disintegrated beneath Connor's feet with every step he took.

"Connor," Evan said weakly, his face stained with tears. "Connor, stop you're hurting them."

As soon as Connor looked down at Evan's broken figure, the world just seemed to fall away. He felt himself cool down to not just normal body temperature, but down to below freezing. Evan shivered at the cold air that was radiating off the taller boy and the grass that had been previously scorched was now frozen in a circle around him. Connor picked up a strand of his hair, which had turned ice blue.

"Holy shit," Connor looked at Evan with an awestruck expression. He smirked, running a hand through his blue-white hair. "Holy fucking shit."

Welp, I tried. Tell me what you thought.

So since I have two oneshot books out now (I also have a Marvel one you should go check it out), I'm going to try and have a nice posting schedule: I'll probably post this one on Sundays or Mondays, and the Marvel one Fridays.

So since I have two oneshot books out now (I also have a Marvel one you should go check it out), I'm going to try and have a nice posting schedule: I'll probably post this one on Sundays or Mondays, and the Marvel one Fridays

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Tony's are tonight, who else is excited?

Also if you have requests I'll gladly take them.

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