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He woke up in a hospital, connected to a heart monitor and laying in a hospital bed in a hospital room. There was a women sitting next to him in a chair that got up and hugged him as he sat up and took in his surroundings. She had blond almost white hair and nice brown eyes but looked like she was in her 30s. Who was she? was all the boy could think right now.

"Oh Evan! I thought you weren't going to make it!" the nice lady started crying into the boy's shoulder. Was he Evan? The boy didn't know.

He patted the lady on the back, sympathetically, but it was really awkward, considering that he had no idea who she was.

Once she pulled herself together and sat back down, she started asked him questions. "How are you? Do you feel better?"

But the only thing Evan could reply with was, "Who are you? Who am I?"


The doctor came in and assessed Evan (which was his name, he confirmed it) and he told the lady, who was supposedly Evan's mother, that Evan had retrograde amnesia, "A popular type of amnesia in which the victim cannot remember anything about their past life. It should wear off, but we can't be too sure."

"Do you remember anything, any name, a familiar place..." the doctor asked Evan.

Evan racked his mind for something he could grasp onto. Anything.

Then a name popped up into his head.

One name.

"Connor Murphy."


2 minutes later Evan was back in bed and his mother had called Connor's mother, asking him to come to the hospital as soon as possible—it was an emergency.

But before Connor—whoever he was—could get there, another boy strutted into the hospital room like he owned the place. He had short, brown hair and big glasses.

"It's okay, Best Friend! I have arrived!" the boy stopped when Evan gave him a weird look. "Wait, so you actually don't remember anything?" the boy asked him and Evan shook his head. "Jesus Christ this is amazing! Well, I'm Jared Kleinman, the coolest person in the world, and you were lucky enough to be picked as my best friend." Jared plopped himself onto the hospital bed next to Evan. "So you don't remember the letter? Or Connor pushing you in the hallway? Or anything?"

"Is that how I hit my head?" Evan asked. "Connor pushed me?"

"Well yeah pretty much! I mean, the kid was pretty pissed at you, actually looked kinda high, if you ask me. He pushed you pretty hard, you hit your head in the wrong spot, then wouldn't wake up!"

Just then, Evan heard an ambulance pull into the parking lot, and the doctor came in. "It's a good thing you called Mrs. Murphy when you did, Heidi. Because Connor would've died if you hadn't."

Evan stared wide eyed at the doctor. Who was this Connor Murphy?

"You mean he..." Jared was surprised. "He was gonna..."

"Yes it appears that after Heidi called Mrs. Murphy, she went to find her son, who was already in the middle"

"Oh my god," Evan was shaking. He could feel the tears coming in his eyes.

"Once we get him bandaged and situated, Evan will be permitted to see him. But that might not be until tomorrow," the Doctor wrote something down and clicked his pen. "Thank you, have a good evening. If you need anything just let one of the nurses know."

Evan didn't want to have to wait until tomorrow. He needed to see Connor Murphy now. He couldn't stand it any longer.

It seemed like Jared knew exactly what Evan was thinking, too. "Don't worry, kid. I'll get you into his room as soon as I find it." Jared jumped up, made a Superman pose, and ran out the door, making whooshing noises as if he was flying.

Evan sat there in silence for a minute, twiddling his thumbs and thinking about Connor Murphy. Connor Murphy. Evan didn't even know who he was. He could be a crazy psychopath out to get Evan, but for some strange reason, Evan didn't think so. Then who was he?

"Hey, ya hungry?" Heidi, Evan's mom patted him on the thigh. "You seem a little anxious. It's all gonna be okay, sweetie. I'll get you something to eat. How about some tacos?"

Evan nodded. The thought of eating something made him feel so much better. Heidi left the room, kissing Evan's forehead on the way out the door. And as soon as she left, Jared came back.

"Operation: Find Connor Murphy was a success!" Jared smiled and Evan jumped up from his bed. "Come on! He's not far from your room!"

Jared ducked his head out in the hallway. "It's clear," he whispered. "Last door on the right, man. Good luck. Don't die."

Evan quietly stepped into the hallway. It was completely white and eerily quiet. He passed a few rooms, Rich Goranski, Whizzer Brown, and a few others he couldn't remember. Then he made it. Last door on the right. Connor Murphy.

Evan stood there for a second. Should he really do this? So, before his brain could stop him, he opened the door.

There, on a hospital bed just like Evan's sat another boy Evan's age. He had long, dark hair that fell to his shoulders, and his arms were wrapped in bandages.

"Hello? Um..." Evan squeaked. Connor's eyes widened.

"Evan. Wha—"

"C-C-Connor Murphy? I think... I think I love you."

And all the memories came flooding back

HAHA THATS ALL IM GIVING YA! How ya like dem apples?

Wow that was getting really sad there, sorry for that. Whoops!

Anyways, here's your gif!

Something to smile about after that sad oneshot

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Something to smile about after that sad oneshot. (Cause there's nothing like your smile, sorta subtle, and perfect, and real (okay I'll stop now))


Welp bye! Until next time!


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