Spider-Man AU

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Requested by boyf_riends_forever1

You wouldn't think that the kid in your school who sat in the corner and never said a word would secretly be Spider-Man. Most people think that he wouldn't have enough courage to go out past dinner time, much less attempt to save the world from a giant purple titan that turned people to dust [but that's theoretical, I'm not saying that would ever happen].

That's why Evan felt completely secure with dawning the signature red suit and trying to make himself feel important. Because he knew he'd be the last person they'd expect.

In all honesty, Spider-Man was not that important to the well-being of the world or even just New York City. All he did was help old ladies cross the street and pose for Instagram photos. But the only person who didn't seem to notice that was Spider-Man himself.

When Evan put the suit on, he felt like a completely different person. He wasn't an anxiety ridden teen with no future anymore. He was inspiring others. But when you had web slingers, you could do anything.

Of course, the media went completely berserk with trying to find out who the hero was behind the mask. At first they all thought it was just some guy on drugs who'd found the costume in a garbage can, and it took them a while to realize he wasn't. It took them even longer to conclude whoever it was probably was a teenager in high school, considering he only made an appearance in the afternoons and on the weekends.

And while the conspirators were working hard 24/7 digging up the smallest clues that lead absolutely no where, it only took one person to put all the pieces together. That one person was Connor Murphy, Evan's longtime boyfriend and now the holder of his biggest secret.

It was actually a funny story, how Connor figured it out. Evan had found an article which showed a picture someone had taken of the back of Spider-Man's head—with the mask off.

In all honesty, it was an insanely blurry and poorly taken picture, you could barely make out the blue web design on his suit. But what really stood out was Evan's curly locks hanging out as he ate a half of a sandwich on top of a building overlooking the city.

Although the knew they'd never be able to figure it out, there was still that pang of worry in his gut. What if they did find out? His popularity would spike through the roof, he'd barely be able to make it out of his apartment complex without a sea of fans charging at him like raging bulls. He'd had to be homeschooled.

Of course, one blurry picture wouldn't be enough proof for them to call him out—would it?

The door to his bedroom opening with a loud squeak made him jump from his desk chair.

Connor took a moment to catch his breath before he coughed out, "Holy shit...you're Spider-Man."

The blonde boy froze, speechless. "I...I don't..."

"Don't say you're not, because I know you are," Connor's eyes shown with curiosity. "I'm assuming you saw the article."

"How couldn't I? It's all everyone's talking about," Evan sighed and shut his laptop. He didn't want to think about it anymore.

"That, and how great your ass looks in that suit," Connor waved a finger at the dirty look Evan's gave him. "Oh, come on. I'd know that ass anywhere."

This made Evan's face turn a bright pink, and he spun his chair to face his boyfriend. "You can't tell anyone."

"And you need to calm yourself," Connor sat at the foot of his bed. "There are plenty of blonde white kids at our school that they'd question before you. You just keep doing what you do. Spider-Man." He winked and began to softly hum the infamous theme song excitedly.

"God, I hate that tv show, it's a terrible depiction of me," Evan frowned, moving to sit next to his boyfriend, and was about to lean himself into Connor's chest when he heard a siren go off in the distance. Of course, the taller boy thought nothing of it, as it was a usual thing to hear sirens in New York City. But Evan felt the hairs on his neck stand on end. His Spidey-Senses were tingling. He had to do something.

"I'm sorry I Connor, I have to...I can't just sit here.I can't," Evan felt his legs push himself up as he reached for his suit.

"Go get 'em, Spidey," Connor cracked a small smile as Evan pulled the mask over his head and swung out the window, towards the danger.


"So what was it this time?" Connor was spread out on Evan's bed a few weeks later, scrolling through Tumblr when the hero made his way back into the room. "Old lady need help with her groceries? Kid dropped an ice cream cone on the sidewalk."

"Actually," Evan pulled off his mask to show the proud smile on his face. "I saved a cat who got stuck in a tree."

"Good job, honey. I'm so proud of you," the sarcasm that radiated from every word Connor said was almost unbearable. "You're gonna do great things one day, I just know it."

"You're so mean," the smaller boy shook his head and changed into sweatpants before plopping down next to his boyfriend. He kissed Connor's cheek. "Whatcha looking at?"

"An article that was just posted a few minutes ago," Connor shrugged nonchalantly. "They figured it out." He handed Evan his phone, and the boy could barely even get through the headline:

Midtown High Student Evan Hansen is Speculated to be the Famed Spider-Man, Conspirators Claim

Midtown High Student Evan Hansen is Speculated to be the Famed Spider-Man, Conspirators Claim

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Ba bam. I hope you liked it, this one was really fun to write.

I'm actually really proud of this oneshot, this is one of most well- written ones, I think. Whatever, I'm just really proud of myself.

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