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"Okay, class, I know it's only the second week of school, but how about a good old biology project?" Mr. Wilson picked up a stack of papers, handing one to each student. The room filled with groans, but Evan couldn't help but grin. AP Biology was definitely his favorite class of the day, just because he could talk about trees and no one seemed to mind. He had worked as an apprentice ranger in the state park last summer, and he couldn't get enough of it.

Meanwhile, Connor had no idea how he even got into biology, let alone advanced placement biology. He had no idea what the teacher was talking about half of the time, and this class would definitely be a popular one to skip. Mr. Wilson made his way to the back, handing Connor a sheet, and Connor wished he had chosen that day to skip school altogether.

"This year, you guys are gonna learn a lot about different types of sciences that make up biology. What I want you to do is pick one from the list I gave you, one that you may want to pursue as a career one day, and give me a brief report on it. What it is, why you wanna do it, you know. No presenting necessary, I just want to see where you guys are at."

Evan exhaled thankfully when he said no presenting. At least he wouldn't have to relive English last year. He scanned the sheet, his eyes going right to "botany". This would be easy.

"Oh, and you'll also work in partners," the teacher smiled at the class. Evan's smile faded instantly. He scanned the room for someone suitable. Dana P. would be good, she's new so she wouldn't know about his anxiety tics. But Sabrina Patel had just sat next to her, so much for that.

It seemed like everyone had someone, and Evan was left alone. The teacher walked up to him. "How about you go with Connor? He's sitting over there," he pointed to the corner of the room, where a dazed boy sat that Evan knew a little too well. That was the boy who had pushed him just that morning. Evan slowly stood up, shuffling to the other side of the room and finding a desk next to Connor.

"Um...hi? We have to-to be for the project?" Evan looked down at his hands, picking at the skin around his nails.

Connor's expression didn't change.

"Um...okay so maybe we up sometime and-"

Connor turned his head to make eye contact with Evan. "If you're so anxious to get it done, come over after school." Connor shoved a piece of paper into Evan's hand, and the bell sounded. Without another word, Connor stormed past the other boy out the door.

Today would not be a good day.


Evan followed the directions on the slip of paper Connor had given him to the end of a cul-de-sac to a house with a bright red door. That house was too nice to be in the same neighborhood as Evan's.

He hesitated to ring the doorbell, but as soon as he did a middle aged woman wearing bright green yoga pants answered the door. "You must be Evan, hello! I'm Cynthia, Connor's mom." She held out her hand, and he gingerly shook it, his other hand tightening on his backpack strap. Cynthia watched as Evan took in the foyer, and the big living room. "He's upstairs. Make a right, it's the second door," she said, answering his unasked question. Evan quietly thanked her, happy to get out of that awkward situation.

Of course, Connor's door was locked, bright yellow caution tape decorating the front of it. And after the seventh knock, he was finally granted access inside.

It was definitely not what he was expecting Connor's room to look like. He was expecting pure black in every corner, and a weed smell.

He was surprised to see old classic rock posters all over the walls, and the navy blue bed spread. There was a set of shelves under a window, decorated with an x-box controller, comic books, and other little trinkets. There was a very faint but noticeable smell of vanilla and cologne, but not a trace of any kind of drugs.

While Evan took in the space in awe, Connor shut his door and locked it again, making sure it wouldn't open. Evan looked at him nervously. "I like my privacy," Connor shrugged, stuffing something Evan couldn't see in his closet.

Evan stood in front of the door awkwardly, playing with his backpack strap. Connor looked at him with slightly softer eyes. "Sit," he gestured to his bed and Evan sat down obediently, taking off his backpack.

Connor sat next to him a little ways away, and Evan silently thanked him for the personal space.

Evan sat his backpack down, looking at his hands. "Um...your mom, she..."

"Excuse the yoga pants, she's going through a phase," Connor rolled his eyes. "For a while it was The Secret, then Buddhism, that's why I was always gone if you're asking, she'd take me to yoga retreats to try and 'cure me of my sickness'. Now I think it's Pilates..."

"That's cool, I guess," Evan tried to smile at him, but Connor just huffed.

"No, that's just what happens to rich people who don't have jobs," he explained. "They go insane." Evan laughed uncomfortably, grabbing a notebook.

"Oh, I didn't know that," he smiled softly, avoiding Connor's shiny eyes and swoopy hair that hid his face. "I like your um..."

"I'm sorry about what I said to you in school before," Connor blurted out, looking away embarrassingly. "I didn't mean it."

"Its okay," Evan shuffled his feet. "I forgive you. I'm used to it so it doesn't really matter anymore."

"If I took you out to dinner, could I make it up to you? Nothing serious or anything, just like burgers and desert?" Connor looked at him hopefully.

Evan took Connor's hand in his, smiling softly. "I'd like that."

Okay what even is this? This one has been in my drafts for a while now so I thought, why not finish it? But I guess I shouldn't have. Oh well.


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