[I] Playing with Fire

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Requested by SpaceEggos. Sorry, it's a bit longer than the others, and I also posted early.

Connor never knew how he exactly acquired the...talent to light his hair on fire. It had just happened.

He remembered he was about 13, about the time he had started to smoke weed, and he had come home and his father had found his stash of weed he'd hidden under his bed. As Larry started to yell at him, Connor had felt a flicker of heat radiate from his hair and through his body as the anger welled up inside of him.

He ended up burning down the house that day.

Not purposely of course, he didn't mean it. Or maybe, somewhere deep down, he had. He couldn't quite remember.

As Connor walked out of his bedroom and down the stairs, he thought about that day, and frowned. His parents tried the best they could to help him keep his emotions in check, but he couldn't the anger inside forever. One day it's all gonna come out, and if he burns down the Earth, then so be it.

The human race can go suck it anyways.

He sat at the kitchen table across from Zoe and stared at his bowl of cereal with a lifeless expression. Cynthia came over and poured some milk on top of it, giving him the fakest smile he'd ever seen.

"Come on, Connor. It's your senior year, and I'm going to do all I can to make sure you don't miss the first day," Cynthia said, and Connor just rolled his eyes.

"Mom, I already said I'd go tomorrow," he said with a hint of rebelliousness, feeling the heat already radiating off his long, wavy hair. When he was 13, against all of his mother's wishes, he had decided to grow out his hair so it reached his shoulders. This had only made Cynthia more cautious of the amount of damage Connor could do if he ever lashed out.

"Look at him," Larry added, his face hidden behind a newspaper. "He's not even listening. He's probably high."

"He's definitely high," Zoe almost laughed carelessly. Was this all just a joke to her?

"Fuck you," Connor yelled, glaring at Zoe, although she was right.

"Fuck you!" Zoe glared back, but flinched away at the sight of Connor's now bright red ombré hair.

Cynthia ran to her son's aid and tried to touch his shoulder comfortingly but he was burning hot. "Connor, please calm down. We don't need this now...please."

Connor rolled his eyes again, but he can feel himself cooling down enough that Cynthia allowed herself to smile. "I mean, you're not high...right?" She asked with a little hope, but Connor gave her a not so promising look. She facepalmed. "I don't want you going to school high, Connor!"

"Well perfect, so then I won't go, thanks mom!" Connor smiled sarcastically, grabbing his messenger bag and slamming the front door behind him.


He made the same, loud entrance as he walked into the high school, pushing the double doors hard enough that they slammed against the brick wall with two loud bangs. The big noise scared most of the people that were standing near him, which was exactly what he was going for.

As he stomped through the hallway, most people walked away or looked at the floor in fear. Everyone knew who he was, they all knew what he could do. He was the guy who burned down a house with a single scream.

He was dangerous. And Connor liked the feeling of power he held over them.

He pushed past a couple of kids with his still warm hands, and went to open his locker, but someone was blocking his way. Actually more like two people, the last two people Connor wanted to see at that moment.

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