Food Fight

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Remember this heather_weasley ?

Connor was just about to lean his head on Evan's shoulder and get comfortable for the movie when Evan jumped up from the couch. "Um, are you hungry?" He asked, walking into the kitchen to get some food. Connor sighed. Just this once, he wanted Evan to sit with him. To enjoy being with him. Connor's depression always went down when he was with Evan. Evan made him really happy.

Connor heard the popcorn machine start up—Evan's favorite snack. Connor knew that Evan almost always put too much popcorn into the machine, so he got up to help him. But Connor was too late. Evan had already poured in the kernels and pressed the button. And just few moments later, popcorn exploded out of the machine into the bowl.

They filled up the bowl fairly quickly, then proceeded to fall on the floor around Evan's feet. Evan picked up a piece and threw it into his mouth. "At least it tastes good?" Connor laughed, popped a few into his mouth and nodded, agreeing with Evan. Popcorn always tasted good.

But the machine didn't stop. It was a never ending stream of popcorn. And it just kept coming and coming. It was up to Evan's ankles now, and no matter how much Connor picked up, there was more waiting. "How much did you put in?" Connor asked, then he noticed the empty plastic bag labeled 'Popcorn Kernals'.

"I—um, I thought you'd be hungry? Since't eat at lunch." Evan made puppy dog eyes, staring at Connor. "Don't look at me like that!" Connor joked. "I'm not mad at you. I actually find this kind of amusing. And cute." Connor kissed Evan's forehead, and Evan blushed.

Finally, the river of popcorn ended, but there was still I big mess. The pile on the floor was up to their shins. Connor went to grab another bowl from the cupboard. And Evan got an idea.

He snuck up behind Connor, holding the popcorn bowl. But just as he was about to implement his plan, he thought about the huge mess this would make.

As Evan was still contemplating this, Connor turned around, surprised when he saw Evan holding the filled bowl over his head. But Evan had made up his mind. He poured the bowl over Connor, and the popcorn spilled all over his face. Connor closed his eyes, and felt pieces getting stuck in his hair, but he didn't mind. He was more concerned with getting revenge.

The next ten minutes were spent having an all-out popcorn fight in the kitchen. Evan took refuge on one side of the island, Connor at the other.

By the time Evan surrendered, there was popcorn everywhere. Connor plucked a few from his hair, throwing them to the floor. There was even more in Evan's hair, and Connor laughed.

Evan scanned the mess. They would never have time to clean it all up before Connor had to leave. "It's okay, Connor . I can...umm...clean it after you go."

"No!" Connor retorted, moving closer to Evan. "I will help you, or I swear to god..."

"Um...okay!" Evan blushed deeply, eyes wide. "You don't, you don't...have to go swearing!"

Connor picked a few pieces up, throwing them in the air and catching them in his mouth. He waved his arms in the air, "Ta-da!"

Evan applauded, jokingly, then attempted to do the same thing. The popcorn fell on Evan's face, and Evan flinched. Connor continued to show off, and Evan stared at him dumbfounded. "How do you do it?" Evan asked, genuinely wanting to know.

Connor smirked. "I don't know, babe. I'm just magic that way." He threw up another piece, and ate it.

"Well...I'm magical too!" Evan crossed his arms and frowned.

"At what?"

"This," Evan smashed his lips onto Connor's. Connor, surprised at first, melted into the kiss, and wrapped his arms around Evan's waist, pulling him closer.

Once they parted, Evan caught his breath, then looked at Connor. "Well, was that magi—"

But Evan wasn't able to finish his sentence, for Connor had connected lips with his again.

A/N- Oh, how beautiful that was. Wasn't it?

Okay, so today's gif, isn't exactly a gif, because I could find one with them and food, so to make you hungry heere:

Okay, so today's gif, isn't exactly a gif, because I could find one with them and food, so to make you hungry heere:

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The little people are so adorable!!!


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