Kid AU

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Requested by SpaceHal0

Connor hopped out of the Murphy minivan, and couldn't help but jump around eagerly. "I'm so excited mommy! It's the first day of school!"

Cynthia laughed and took his hand as they cross the street. "I know, you haven't stopped talking about it for a few days now."

"I know," the five year old shrugged, and tried to pull his mother forward so they could get to the brick building faster. "I had a dream about it too!"

"You has a dream about school?" Cynthia laughed and held the door for him.

"Yeah, it was really great," he grinned and ran down the hallway. "What room, mommy?"

"This one, right here," Cynthia waited next to a door while Connor ran back to her. "You ready for kindergarten?"

"Yes, I'm so ready!" He put his hands around his backpack straps and Cynthia opened the door just wide enough for him to run through.

Inside, children filled up every table, and there were colorful posters decorating every wall. A woman with blonde hair that Connor assumed was his teacher smiled warmly when the boy stepped inside, and led him to a table with one free seat left for him.

Cynthia waved to Connor one last time before she left, but he didn't even realize she was still there.

Putting his backpack on the floor, Connor sat in between a blonde boy who was invested in a coloring page and another boy with glasses that were too big for his face. "Hiya, I'm Jared," the boy with the glasses waved with a grin. "That's Evan, he's a little shy," Jared pointed to the blonde boy that didn't bother to look up at Connor.

"Oh, okay," Connor shrugged and grabbed his own piece of paper to color with. "Hey, what are you drawing?" He tried to peek over at Evan's paper, but he turned away.

"A...tree," the boy squeaked, and turned back around so Connor could see.

"That's really good, you're a good drawerer," Connor smiled a toothy grin.

Evan's eyes lit up. "Woah, you lost a tooth!" He pointed at Connor's mouth, where he had just recently lost one of his top two teeth.

"You lost both of yours!" Connor pointed to Evan's mouth where the blonde boy had lost both of his top front teeth.

"Yeah! Look what I can do!" He put his tongue between them and produced a somewhat melodic whistling noise, and Connor stared in awe.

"Woah, that's so cool, I wish I could do that," he smiled and went back to coloring.

A little while later, it was time for snack and Connor was about to put his drawing away when Evan asked him what he drew.

"Oh, I drew a rainbow," Connor showed his creation to Evan with a proud smile, but Jared just laughed.

"That's so gay," Jared giggled, and Connor gave him a confused look. "You and Evan should be boyfriends."

Evan and Connor exchanged a grossed-out look before Connor crossed his arms and said, "No way! I don't like Evan!"

The blonde boy looked at Connor with tears in his eyes. "You don't?" But the other boy wasn't able to reply before Evan ran off to the bathroom. Connor instantly felt bad. He did like Evan, just not in that way. Or did he?

Sighing sadly, Connor got up and walked to the back of the classroom where the door to the bathroom stood. He knocked softly. "Evan?"

"It's open," he heard the boy sob, and Connor opened the door to find Evan curled in the corner, tears falling down his pale cheeks. Conner frowned. "Are you okay?"

Evan sniffed back tears. "No, I'm not okay."

"Why are you not okay?" Connor sat down next to him.

The blonde boy sighed. "Because I like you, Connor."

Connor let out a quiet "Oh," not knowing what else to say. "Well I think you're cute."

He saw Evan's eyes light up for a split second. "Really?"

"Yeah," Connor laughed. "You have really pretty eyes and..."

"Well I think you're handsome too!" Evan wiped his tears eyes and looked up at him. "I like your hair and you're really nice to me. Not like Jared, Jared's always saying mean things..."

The blonde boy's mini rant was cut off when he felt a warm pair of lips make contact with his cheek. Connor had spontaneously leaned in and kissed his cheek. Evan almost jumped in surprise, and Connor laughed when he pulled away.

Before the taller boy could say anything, Evan lifted his head so he could quickly peck Connor's cheek in return. They both blushed bashfully before Connor smiled. "Are you feeling better?"

Evan nodded meekly. "Yeah, let's go color," he too Connor's hand in his, and they walked out of the bathroom together.

Sorry, that one was really shitty. I've been on vacation for the past few weeks so I haven't been spending much time writing. Sorry.


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