Mean Girls

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Requested by Khl0Khl03
I'm just gonna say it right now: I'm not a huge fan of the movie or the musical. But I have to admit this one was quite fun to write so.

Evan walked down the halls of North Shore high school with a little pep in his step. Sure, maybe he had been homeschooled in rural California for the first 16 years of his life and never knew anyone that lived further than 2 miles away. But now that his parents had fully separated and him and his mother had moved across the country to a more suburban area, he felt it was finally time to go to a real school with real teenagers. He wanted to have the full experience, even if it was his senior year.

But high school turned out to me much more complicated than what he'd read in teen romance novels.

For one, it was much more crowded than he'd expected. There were a lot of people, he didn't realize how many could fit into one building.

Also, people were a lot meaner than he thought. At almost every corner, some kid was just waiting to throw a paper airplane at his face or call him some sort of offensive name [some of them actually made his eyes widen in surprise; who knew people could be that cruel?].

But if he learned one thing from teen romance novels, it was strength in numbers. Even if it was just one person, it was better than being completely alone, with no way to defend yourself.

That one person was Jared Kleinman, who sat right behind Evan in first period AP English.

He'd given Evan a lot of helpful tips, like not making eye contact with anyone no matter what situation you were in. And to not use the bathrooms by the gym because the drug dealers always hung out there. And that the back corner stairwell was where people went when the hormones became to strong to ignore.

And to stay away from the Plastics.

"Who are the Plastics?" Evan's eyebrows furrowed in genuine confusion.

"You'll meet them at lunch," Jared pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose and sent him a relieving smile. "But if so much as look their way, you're dead where you're standing." He made a slicing motion with his hand over his neck.

At that moment, Evan didn't want to go to lunch anymore. He didn't even want to be in this school anymore. But soon enough, he was carrying his paper bagged lunch to the wide open doors of the cafeteria.

It was like a zoo in there.

There were people everywhere, filling every table, doing anything you could possibly imagine. One table was tossing a football across the room to another table, another group seemed to be in a heated debate over a science homework question. He felt like a tiny fish in a sea of sharks, he didn't know where to fit himself in.

"Don't worry kid," Jared Kleinman appeared behind him and slapped his back reassuringly. "I'll give you the full tour. Over there are the jocks, then the mathletes, then the sexually active band geeks and..."

"Who's sitting in the middle there?" Evan pointed to the table that sat right in the middle of the chaos. Although it was a pretty big table, he noticed that only three people sat there in the first peaceful conversation Evan had seen that day.

Jared nudged his shoulder. "Those are the Plastics." He pointed to a girl who sat on one side of the table, twirling a piece of her frizzy dark hair between her fingers like she couldn't care less about anything. She wore a nice blouse and dress pants, and Evan could tell that she knew she was above everyone else. "That's Alana Beck, word has it that she knows everything about everyone in the whole school. That's why her hair's so big, because it's full of secrets.

"That one's Zoe Murphy, you might remember her from English this morning. I bet you she's smarter than Google itself, she got a perfect score on the SAT's and everyone knows she's gonna be valedictorian next year," Jared gestured to the girl sitting across from Alana, who looked as if she was in deep conversation with whoever was sitting next to her. Evan couldn't make out their face because they were facing away from him.

"And of course, you have her brother Connor Murphy," Jared rolled his eyes dramatically as he said the name and he carelessly pointed to the only other person sitting at the table. Evan noticed that he was the only one of the three that was wearing no color other than black. "His and Zoe's parents are fucking loaded. If there's one person that you shouldn't even walk in the direction of, it's him."

"Oh," Evan whispered low enough that he couldn't even hear himself over the loud ruckus of the cafeteria. "Why is he so..."

And then Connor Murphy turned around and Evan caught the boy's hard icy eyes with his. And from all the way across the cafeteria, Evan's heart skipped a beat. He wanted so badly to know that boy, to be with him. And then his heart sank, because he knew that all the other girls in North Shore High did too. He had no chance.

"Oh, and I forgot to mention," Jared leaned in close to Evan's ear. "He's gay." And with that, Jared made his way over to where the Mathletes sat, doing algebra like it was a past time rather than a necessity to graduate.

And then the bell rang, and if you thought that the chaos couldn't get any worse, it did. At the sound of that ring, everyone was up and at the entrance in a matter of seconds.

An entrance that Evan was standing in the middle of like an idiot. And no one seemed to even acknowledge he was there. There was a lot of pushing and aggressive shoving, and at one point Evan thought he'd dislocated his shoulder, but then everyone was out of the cafeteria and Evan was still standing there with he same lost look.

That is, until three people that were still sitting at their table got up and made their way down to the doors cooly.

"Hey, I don't think we know you," Alana's curls bounced on her shoulders as she walked in between the tables towards where Evan stood. "Are you new?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm E-E...Evan. Hansen," he coughed out, trying to avert his eyes from Connor's.

"You seemed lonely standing by yourself. Why don't you sit with us tomorrow?" Zoe's eyes twinkled with anticipation, shifting her weight between her heels and the balls of her feet. Her and her brother shared a look.

Evan nodded slightly, unsure of what to say and Alana clapped her hands together. "That's so fetch."

Connor rolled his eyes and groaned. "Alana, I swear to god if you say 'fetch' one more time, I will fucking end you." Alana squeaked our a timid apology before Connor turned back to Evan and his demeanor instantly changed to a more sweeter expression. "We'll see you tomorrow, then."

Part II comes out tomorrow because this one was too good to just let it be one part. Also I don't like it when oneshots are like 30000000000 words.

 Also I don't like it when oneshots are like 30000000000 words

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