Alana Beck

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This chapter includes some GalaxyGals (is that even the ship name...)

Alana needs some lovin' she's been pushed in the corner for far too long! Also the fact that Kristolyn is leaving soon...nooooo...

"I don't think I completely understand your situation. You said Evan has a crush on him?" Alana pointed to the boy sitting at a table in the corner, not too far from where they were sitting. His head was down, his long hair falling in his face, as if trying not to notice the constant staring in his direction.

Jared took a sip of his coke. "Yeah, Connor Murphy. Don't ask why, though, I don't know what he sees in him." He laughed at himself.

Alana just stared at him. "So what am I supposed to do?"

"Well your his friend, right?"

"I would call it more like close acquaintances, I mean we are lab partners. I also happen to be close to his sister..." Alana tucked her hair behind her ear, happy to be important for something for once. At that moment Evan shuffled into the lunch room, a paper bag in hand. Jared waved him over, giving Alana a death stare to stop talking about Connor, but she didn't get it. "...and we did a report on Huck Finn together last year, oh hey Evan, we were just talking about you." Alana tried smiling at him, but he didn't make eye contact.

Evan sat down, stunned. He pointed to himself, "Me..."

"And about your relationship with one Connor Murphy. Jared was telling me about the feelings you have for him." Evan blushed furiously, looking down and playing with the paper bag. This was mortifying.

"Jared...?" He self-consciously rubbed the back of his neck, not looking up.

"Well, she's close with him, you're close with him, right?"

"Yes, we're acquaintances I was just talking about how we are.."

"Yeah, so she could totally get you in with him! It's foolproof, you don't have to say a word!" Jared smiled to himself, satisfied at his brilliant plan, and Alana looked over at Evan. Of course, she didn't want to tell them what she already knew about Connor's side of this story. Her and Connor were actually very close, closer than just acquaintances. And just the other day they were talking about Evan...

", Jared I didn't...I don't think you understand cause um I told you...not to tell?" Evan said, tears filling his eyes. He bit his lip.

"Well, she's not gonna tell anyone, right? You're not going to tell."

"Well, that depends because I'm not a liar, so if someone happened to directly ask me if Evan had a crush on Connor, then of course I wouldn't say no," she adjusted her glasses.

Jared placed a hand on Alana's shoulder. "You know what? I don't think this is going to work, sorry Alana." She frowned at Jared, why did she even bother trying with these two? She pulled out a notebook, zoning out.

"I mean c'mon Evan," Jared continued. "I still can't see where you're coming from with this crush. I mean, you know he's a druggie right? He spends his nights smoking weed and then goes home high and starts screaming about killing his sister. You know, Zoe?" At the mention of the name Alana shot her head up, and a lightbulb went off in her head. She started to pack up her books.

"I have to the computer print out something," Evan muttered, sitting up. He didn't want to listen to Jared anymore.

"Oh, is it one of your sex letters about Connor?" Jared laughed, Evan's face burning up.

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