Chip on My Shoulder

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Requested by SkylarTurner6. Based off the song below. It's going to be like when I did Gay or European.

They had me choose between this and 'History if Wrong Guys' so if you guys want that as well just let me know.

Evan slumped down on a park bench, visibly disappointed in himself. "Love," he muttered to no one in particular.

"Excuse me?" Connor asked, walking up to where Evan sat.

Evan sighed, looking up at him. "I put my faith in love. And I had the stupidity to follow where it lead."

"Wait love lead" Connor pointed to the ground of the college campus. "To Harvard?"

"Yes, to this circle of hell," Evan grumbled and Connor was visibly offended. "And in case you were still wondering it hasn't worked out. God, I wish I was dead, because instead of a nice wedding and love, I'm flunking out of school. Can you please hit my head with a rock?" Evan looked down to try and find a decent sized rock for Connor to use.

"Wait, rewind for a second," Connor said in between giggles. "You came to Harvard to follow a man? What rich, romantic planet are you from?"

Evan blushed, fixing his designer jacket. "Um...Malibu?"

"So instead of kicking back at the beach you decide to stalk some guy to an Ivy League school?" Connor couldn't help but laugh. "That the weirdest reason I've—"

"Oh, well why'd you come then?" Evan crossed his arms, and raised an eyebrow at him.

Connor cracked his knuckles and sat down next to Evan, getting himself comfortable for a story. "Okay.
Well, I grew up in the Roxbury slums, with my Mom and a series of guys who showed me all the ways a man can fail. So I got through law school by busting my ass and working two jobs in addition to class. So please forgive me for not weeping at your tale."

Evan was still stubborn. "Well, just because you've got some chip on your shoulder doesn't mean—"

"You know what? It's not even a chip on my shoulder. Hell, it's as big as a boulder. But I've been given a chance so I might as well be driven as fuck. I'm already this close, why would I waste it? So yeah, there's a chip on my shoulder. But you might wanna get one as well," Connor said, getting up and Evan followed him along a path in the park.

"Wait, two jobs plus law school?" Evan was surprised. He didn't realize how hard Connor had worked to get here. "How'd you do it?"

Connor walked through a patch of trees and thought for a moment. "Well, parties are a big waste of time. And I don't spend hours on my hair and staying in shape." He eyed Evan out of the corner of his eye.

Evan touched his hair self consciously. "I don't spend hours..."

"But I know all my hard work will pay off when I win my first lucrative trial, and buy my mom that great big house out in the Cape," Connor put his hands on his hips and smiled at the thought, stopping for a second to let Evan catch up.

"Aw, that's sweet," Evan said, but Connor gave him a look and his smile faded.

"No, that's the chip on my shoulder," Connor explained.

Evan huffed. "I just want people to know I'm serious."

"What you need is to get to work," Connor said and Evan lead them to his dorm room. "Where are your books?"

Evan searched under some hairbrushes. "They're here somewhere, I know I bought them."

Connor rolled his eyes, and pushed all of Evan's cosmetics from his desk. "You know this vanity was first a desk. Do you really need all of this stuff? What even is this?" Connor held up a hairdryer.

Evan took the hairdryer and held it protectively. "It's for hair."

Connor rolled his eyes. "Wear a hat." He grabbed a basket and started to stuff some clothes in it. "Out, gone. Put it in storage, sell it on eBay, I don't care what you do with it. Just get it out."

Evan was appalled. "Stop!"

"Go and get angry, you might as well get it out now. And find that chip on your shoulder," Connor said, and Evan pulled the basket from him, trying to put everything back.

"Stop, it Connor," Evan said through his teeth, glaring at him.

"Oof, I think the room just got colder," Connor said sarcastically but Evan gave him another look. "But c'mon Ev, you've been given a chance. So why not be driven as—"

"Found it!" Evan held up his text book he'd located under some shirts.

"Wow, you've been reading it hard I can tell," Connor said sarcastically, and tore the plastic wrapping off of the book, grabbing a pencil.


A few months later, it was Thanksgiving already, and people were getting ready to visit their families. Connor was sitting on Evan's bed with a laptop and three textbooks open. "Define 'malum prohibitum'."

Evan was pacing the length of his room. "'Malum prohibitum' is, um..."

Connor sighed. "An act prohib—"

"An act prohibited by law. Like...jaywalking or chewing gum in Singapore," Evan said, grabbing his bag and one of his many coats. Connor looked at him skeptically. "Where are you going?"

"'s Thanksgiving," Evan smiled innocently.

"If you wanna pass in the bottom percent of your class then you can go," Connor shrugged, and Evan thought for a minute.

"Why do you always have to be right?" Evan whined, and threw his stuff to the side so he could sit next to Connor. "But let me call my mom."

A few weeks later, Evan ran up to Connor in the cafeteria, holding a paper. "Look! I got an A!" Connor smiled at him, skimming through the words.

"See, look what you did with that chip on your shoulder," Connor said, and leaned down to peck Evan's lips. Evan closed his eyes instinctively, surprised at the sudden physical contact, but kissed him back. They parted and Connor handed him his paper. "And just think, a few months ago you were stalking some guy."

Evan giggled at the memory. "Thanks. For uh showing me what it's work hard."

"Anytime," Connor smirked and they connected their hands. "But you know, you can never study too much."

Okay I think this is one of my better ones, even if it's still shitty.

Okay I think this is one of my better ones, even if it's still shitty

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Sorry it's not the best gif, I couldn't find anything better.

If you guys have any other song requests I'll totally do them, I didn't realize how fun they are to write until now.

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