Mean Girls II

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Evan looked from where he sat across the cafeteria to where the Plastics sat, all poised with their designer clothes and primped hair. He had sat with them once. He didn't anymore, because they rejected him after that one day, but he didn't mind. Zoe and Alana were mean anyways. Connor, however...

"You okay there, kid?" Jared waved a hand over his eyes and pulled Evan from his trance.

The blonde blinked a few times before nodding. "Yeah I'm fine. I was just..."

"Staring. At them. Again," Jared rolled his eyes, taking a bite of his burrito. "Are you sure nothing happened that one day you sat with them?"

"Yeah I'm positive," Evan nodded, picked at his untouched salad and thinking back to that day all those weeks ago...

"So you're a Cali boy?" Alana leaned over the table and rested her head in her hands. "Have you ever been to LA?"

Evan shook his head, pushing his untouched lunch around with us fork. He was too nervous to eat. "I've lived in northern California for most of my life. We almost never left our town."

"How can you live in California but never go to Los Angles?" Zoe giggled, tucking a piece of her chocolate hair behind her ear. "That's like saying..."

"Well have you ever been to Chicago, Zoe?" Connor frowned at his sister, who shook her head. "Then how can you be from Illinois and never have been to Chicago? Leave the poor boy alone, he's had enough of your questions."

Both Alana and Zoe frowned, pulling themselves away from Evan, and he felt himself let out a huge breath he didn't even know he'd been holding in. He tried making eye contact with Connor, but he'd turned away and was in his phone, his black nailed fingers wrapped around his his iced coffee before Evan got the chance.

Evan almost had a heart attack when the bell rang, and everyone around them got up to leave, including Alana and Zoe.

"Hey," Evan tapped lightly on Connor's shoulder as he cleaned up his food.. "I just wanted to thank you for um...standing up for me before. With Alana and Zoe and everything I just..."

"Don't sweat it, I saw you looked a like nervous," the bracelets that decorated the taller boy's arm jingled as he quietly got up and sipped the rest of the drink. "Hey, why don't you come over to my place after school? We could just hang out. Zoe's going out with some friends, so we'll be alone."

Evan froze. "Um...yeah, sure. I'm free."

"Cool, I can drive you after school."

"Yeah, cool," the blonde cracked a small smile as he watched the other boy's leather boots make their way out of the cafeteria.

"Evan..." Jared clapped his hands loudly by the boy's ear, scaring him half to death. "Sorry. You were staring again."


Across the cafeteria, Connor leaned his head on his hand, trying to catch looks at the blonde boy in the corner table when he wasn't looking.

"Connor, what the hell are you doing?" Zoe swatted his arm. "Don't look at him."

"I wasn't," her brother averted his eyes away quickly, and instead grabbed his phone and began to scroll through his Instagram as if nothing happened.

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