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Requested by midnight_messenger and PumpkinCole I'm doing two at once because they make sense together so.

Quarterback!Connor and Cheerleader!Evan AU.

Connor looked out at the field, fixing his helmet on his head so it was nice and snug and didn't ruin his hair. If his mom found him on a stretcher during practice or a game, she would not be happy.

It was a bright day, not a single cloud in the sky next to the almost blinding sun that stood high above him. He sighed, readjusting a shoulder pad. There was going to be be a lot of sweaty uniforms in the laundry basket today. He hoped everyone had remembered to put on deodorant.

The coach blew his whistle, yelling at them all to break up on the field for some sprints. Connor jogged over to stand next to everyone else, bending down to stretch a little while waiting for the next whistle. He loved the rush of adrenaline he got when the whistle blew, and a more organized sort of hell broke lose when they all ran across the field. Football had helped him quit smoking, and he was more than happy to keep playing. According to the coach, he was quite good at it.

On the other side of the field, a pair of pom-poms were shoved into Evan's hands, but his eyes were on the football team. As he watched them get into a line, he couldn't help but sigh. Each of the guys on the team was hotter than the last, with the quarterback, Connor Murphy, being on the top of that list.

Sabrina Patel, the head cheerleader, waved a hand in front of the boy's face, pulling him out of his trance. "Come on, Ev. We're gonna try some new moves today. A couple of flips, you're gonna be a flyer."

Evan sighed. He was always picked to be the flyer, to be the one jumping off the other girls holding him up. He was the lightest one on the team, and had 8 years of gymnastics on his belt. He liked doing the flips, it helped him get rid of anxiety. But there was always that one part of his brain that thought What if they didn't catch him?

"Come on, Ev!" Sabrina called, and Evan set the pom-poms down, running over to where two girls where situated to hoist him up. Getting up on their hands, that part was easy, and came naturally to him. Of course, the flipping came naturally as well, but one of the girls holding him he didn't recognize. If she was new...

Sabrina gave him a few guidelines, but while he was listening to her, Evan felt his leg shake beneath him, and didn't even have time to look down before he felt himself hit the ground.

From the opposite end of the field, the coach was about to blow the whistle when Connor saw out of the corner of his eye, the small pyramid of cheerleaders collapse. He shot out, set on getting to the other side of the field so he could see what happened. He heard a couple of his teammates grumble some choice words when he shot past them but he didn't care. This usually never happened, he just wanted to know they were okay.

The first thing he saw when he got to the scene was the blood pouring out of the boy's leg. The boy had an expression that said he was in pain, but wanted to look tough about it, which wasn't working.

Connor slowed to a stop so he could help the kid. "Dude, you okay?"

The boy nodded, trying to stifle a sob when he looked down at his leg. There was a big gash on his shin, which had mostly stopped bleeding but there was still a small trickle. Connor looked around, most of the other cheerleaders seemed to not be paying attention. "Where's everyone else?"

The boy sighed shakily, not daring to make eye contact with the quarterback. "Sabrina, she inside to get a bandage. But I'm fine, you can just go back to practice or..."

"No I want to make sure you're okay," Connor looked back at his team which was turning around, ready to run the other way, but he stayed where he was. The health of this boy was more important.

"Evan," the boy sighed, but cracked a smile and held out his hand. But instead of shaking it, Connor grabbed it and pulled him up, helping him to a nearby bench.

Once Evan was all situated and more comfortable, he added, "You never replied to my introduction."

"I'm Connor," the quarterback smiled back, even though he knew that Evan already knew who he was.

Soon, a girl all decked out in her cheerleading uniform came back with bandages. "Here Ev, I'd help you, but I see you found a friend." She eyed Connor wearily, but the football player just shrugged and took the bandages. "Mr. Murphy," she said, and Evan could tell she had immediately changed her mood at the sight of the most well known person in school. "So nice of you to drop..."

"Gay," was all Connor answered with, focusing on tending to Evan's wound.

Sabrina scoffed. "Excuse me?"

"I'm gay," he repeated, and almost laughed at the sight of her surprised expression. "Bet you didn't know that before."

"Oh," she said softly, and just slowly backed away, visibly embarrassed.

Once she was gone, Evan turned to him. "Are you actually gay?"

"Yeah," he replied nonchalantly. "Is it okay to ask about you?"

"Bi," Evan tried to sound casual as well.

"Good," Connor brushed his hands off once he finished wrapping Evan's wound. "Because if you were straight it would have been really awkward when I asked you out."

Sorry that those last couple of oneshots were more shitty than usual, I'll be better.

Sorry that those last couple of oneshots were more shitty than usual, I'll be better

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Requests? Because you know I'm gonna ask for it.

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