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For LavenderBrown708
With a special Boyf appearance... *gasp*

Note: I've never been to Starbucks, so all of the orders mentioned I either came up with or looked up on the internet

Connor pulled his hair back, shaping it into a small bun. Of course, he wasn't proud of being a barista, and at Starbucks of all places, but he got paid, so that was what really mattered in the end. Right?

He would have been fine working on the coffee machine or cleaning the tables, anything but working the cash register. That was the worst. It required the greatest amount of social interaction, but since he was late to his shift, it was the only place open for him.

He called the next person up.

"Hi, can I get a caramel macchiato, venti, skim, extra shot, extra-hot, and extra-whip?" a college aged girl said to him, pulling out her wallet.

Connor pressed some buttons, sighing. "Anything else?"

She gave him her credit card. "Oh, and can you make that sugar-free?"

Connor pressed another button and grabbed the credit card, probably a little too aggressively.

This was going to be a long day.


Evan swung open the door, fixing his hair that had been messed up from the wind outside. He'd never been inside of a Starbucks before, but it was so cold outside, and he could really use a nice warm hot chocolate. And with no other good coffee shop around, this was his last resort.

He stood at the back of the line behind two boys who sounded like they were in deep conversation with each other:

"Since when did he get a job here? Did he tell you about it?" one of the boys asked the other, and pointed to one of the employees at a cash register. Evan recognized him from English class, the boy who sat behind him, two desks to the left. Connor, he thought his name was. Did Evan like him? Sure. Did Evan think he was cute? Most definitely.

He didn't want to intrude on their concerns, but at the same time, Evan didn't want to be just standing there awkwardly by himself and staring at them.

So, Evan tapped on one of the boy's shoulders and they both turned around. 

"Hey bro," said one of the boys, who was wearing a red sweatshirt. Evan noticed the boy had sewed some patches onto it, and he thought it was very artistic of him.

Evan smiled at him, then gestured to the cash register guy. "Do you...know him?"

The boy with the red sweatshirt nudged the other boy and smirked. The other boy sighed, trying to hide a smile. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason..." Evan twiddled his thumbs, looking down at the ground.

"Do ya like him?" The boy with the red sweatshirt grinned, hoping for a positive answer. The other boy sighed again.

"Michael," the other boy whispered and  crossed his arms. "Sorry about him. I'm Jeremy, and this is my friend Michael."

Micheal looked at Jeremy skeptically, raising an eyebrow. "Hey, I thought we'd upgraded..."

"Uh, sorry," Jeremy stuttered. "Let me rephrase: this is my boyfriend Michael." Michael seemed more satisfied with that.

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