Foreign Exchange II

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A/N Remember Part One? Heere's a Part Two for your reading pleasure.

Evan sprinted through the hallway of the rental home, searching in every nook and cranny he could possibly loose something in.

"Mama!! Où est-ce?" Evan called out to his mother, Heidi. He'd been looking for his phone for the past hour, and he had no idea where it was. And he really needed it too, if his mother was going to let him go on another date with the American boy. If he couldn't find it, he couldn't go.

"Je ne sais pas, Evan," his mother called back. She was being no help at all to Evan's cause, since she was totally against the date. She did not approve of their relationship, although they'd been dating since September (it was June). She sat on the couch, eating an apple.

Then the doorbell rang. Evan sprinted down the stairs and pulled the door open, revealing a lean, tall boy with long dark hair.

Connor took out something from his pocket. Evan's phone. "Looking for this?"

"C'est magnifique!" Evan grabbed it from Connor's hand and rushed to his mother. "Mama! I've found it! I may go now!"

His mother replied with a 'oui', but she didn't sound too happy about it. She said something to Evan which Connor couldn't make out (Connor wasn't the best French student), and the two boys left.

Evan turned to Connor hesitantly as they hopped into his car. "I...I must tell you something, and this might not be the perfect time to tell you, but I could not think of a better one. I will be leaving week. After the ceremony of graduation."

"Wait, what?" Connor pulled the car over, slamming on the break.

"I-I must, Connor. I miss France so much..."

Connor sighed. "I know. When will you come back?"

"That is what I wish to talk about," Evan sighed. "I don't think I am coming back. To America."

"Oh, god..." Connor shook his head.

"But it's not because I do not like you! America was fun for one year, but now it is over and I must go back. We can still keep in touch-"

"How can we keep in touch forever when you're 10,000 miles away?"

"We could just...umm...I do not know the word. When a boyfriend and a boyfriend stop being boyfriends?"

"A break up?"

"Yes," Evan nodded, and felt a tear fall down his cheek.

"O-okay, I guess that would be best."

"But we can still be friends?"

"Yeah. I should help you pack," against Evan's pleas he turned the car around.


Evan took his suitcase out of the car. He had already pre-shipped everything back to France. Connor stepped out of the car, helping him with his other bag.
"So, this is where it ends."

"Yes, em I would like to thank you for the wonderful year. It was really fu-"

"I love you, Evan," Connor spat out before he could stop himself. Why did he do that?

But Evan kissed him one last time. "I love well. Also? I love you too." Connor laughed at Evan's search for the right word. "English is so difficult!" Evan stomped his foot. His mother called him to come inside the airport, and Evan hugged Connor one more time before following her!

"HAVE A NICE TIME IN FRANCE! FRENCH KISS SOME PEOPLE FOR ME!" Jared stuck his head out the window of the car and waved.

Evan smiled slightly, but once he saw the car pull away, the smile faded and was replaced with tears.


One year later, Connor was at his first year of college, and was opening the door to his new dorm room. He set his stuff on one of the beds, wondering who would occupy the other. He unpacked a few boxes and made his bed. He pulled out a picture from a box of him and Evan. He missed Evan so much, even though he knew he'd probably never see him again. But still. There was something about him.

He was looking over the campus map trying to find some food, when he heard a knock on the door.

He opened it and there stood a boy he had not seen for what felt like forever.

Jared Kleinman. (I just ruined your dreams)

"Hey, old friend! Just wanted to let you know I'm in the room next to ya!" He pointed to the left and smiled.

"Cool," Connor slammed the door. He didn't really care. He was too hungry to care.

But when he heard a voice outside, he instantly cared.

"Excuse me, is this the room number quatre cent vingt? My apologies, four hundred and twenty?" Connor instantly sat up at the sound of the French accent and opened the door.

And there stood a boy whom he had not seen for longer than forever.

"Evan Hansen, it's nice to see you again."

"Connor Murphy? You will share the room with me! C'est magnifique!" Connor loved how Evan said his name in his heavy accent. "I did not know you would go to college!"

Connor laughed. "I've missed you so much. And I still love you."

Evan sighed. "Me as well. I have not had any boyfriends since we do you call it?"

"Broke up?"

"Yes! So I have not-" Connor could stand the suspense any longer. He smashed his lips against Evan's and wrapped his arms around the smaller boy's waist. He didn't even care that the door was open or the whole campus could see them. All he cared about was Evan.

Once he pulled away, Evan looked up at him. "It is so great that we share the room, because you see, we can become boyfriends again!"

DemonPhannieXD requested this a long time ago, so sorry for the long wait. I couldn't think of anything to write for this one.

This is the director giving Ben some stage directions a few weeks before the Broadway opening

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This is the director giving Ben some stage directions a few weeks before the Broadway opening. Ahh the memories....

I've never actually seen DEH live but I want to so badly.

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