Soulmate AU

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Requested by elephantine_29

Evan lazily rolled out of bed as his blaring alarm echoed throughout his room. He hated how mornings were always so repetitive: you wake up, eat something, throw something presentable on and your out the door and catching your bus. But then the evening rolls around, and sometimes he'll be in bed at 9:00 and others he couldn't fall asleep until after midnight.

As he grabbed some clothes that didn't smell terrible, he couldn't help but glance at the writing that decorated the inside of his left middle finger. Everyone was born with some sort of word or phrase on their arm; it was the first thing that your soulmate would say to you. Evan didn't like his: it was just a big fat FUCK YOU in all bold and all capital letters that took up his entire middle finger.

It just made him uncomfortable, if those were the first words his soulmate would ever say to him, then he couldn't help but worry what his soulmate might be like. They could be anyone, from a person who was maybe just having a bad day to one of the people who ditches class to deal drugs behind the school. Evan didn't want to think about that second possibility.

As he pulled his shirt on, making sure to pull the end of the sleeve over his hand so no one could see the words, he couldn't help but worry. Today might be the day he'd meet the one. He knew some people meet their soulmates as young as 3, yet some don't find their until they were 40. The suspense that always hung in the air was always one of the worst parts, Evan thought. Not knowing when or where or in what situation you'd be in just made him even more nervous than he already was.

And yet, somehow, he was still able to get through each day.


Walking through the school hallways was like walking through the set of the Bachelor: anyone of these people could be his soulmate, yet only fate would decide. Evan always made sure not to make eye contact or rub anyone the wrong way, because there were some people he just didn't want to be the one.

"What is up my dude!" Out of nowhere, Jared Kleinman swung an arm around the blonde boy's shoulder as they walked through the hallway. "How's the search for your one true love going?"

Evan had always slightly envied his friend, because Jared was aro and had never had words birthmarked onto his skin. Of course Evan wanted to have a lover, but the whole concept of not fully knowing who your soulmate was made him skittish all the time.

"I'm...fine," Evan choked out after a second, but was knocked off balance when someone's shoulder rammed into his. His feet gave out from under him and before he knew it, he was spread out on the floor. Evan rubbed his pounding head and looked up to see a boy he'd never seen before. A boy with shoulder length hair that mysteriously hid his face and an intimidating stance, his fists clenched tightly.

"Fuck you," the boy grumbled, his eyes shining wildly before flipping him off walking past him without another word.

Evan's heart immediately sank at the sound of those two words. The first two words that that boy had ever said to him.

He dreaded meeting him again.


Later, Evan was at his locker gathering his stuff before leaving school for the day when he was approached by a towering figure in all black and carrying a messenger bag. This time though, his long flowing hair was out of his face and instead pulled back in some sort of half up, half down thing. His eyes were still wild, but had also calmed down a bit.

Evan stood frozen in fear of what the boy might do to him now. But before he could say anything, the other boy started. "Hey I'm sorry about before, I just wasn't in the mood and..."

"No it's fine um it's my fault because I wasn't looking where I was going and I should have been more aware or at least that's what my mother always tells me anyways oh sorry I shouldn't have said that because maybe you don't have a mother and now I just offended you and I'm so stupid I'm sorry-" Evan was about to say more when the taller boy's eyes lit up and their lips connected.

And all of Evan's worrying and nervousness and anxiety just melted off him and disappeared into thin air. He felt so light, like he could forever float in this bliss. He didn't know kissing someone could make him feel this good. He didn't want it to end.

As soon as they broke apart, Connor unrolled his shirt sleeve up to his elbow to reveal a long paragraph of writing on his forearm, the exact words Evan had just spat out printed in a mediumish font. In turn, the blonde boy pulled his own sleeve over his hand to the reveal the big bold FUCK YOU on his middle finger, and Connor couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Sorry about that, I wasn't having the best day," the boy stuck his hand out jokingly. "I'm Connor."

Evan sighed in relief and hesitantly grabbed it before they shook briefly. "Evan Hansen," he giggled.

"So, Evan Hansen, now that we're both acquainted, what do you say I take you out to dinner?" Connor leaned against the long line of lockers and Evan of course couldn't refuse. "Perfect, I'll pick you up at 6:00 then."

And with that, Connor was walking down the empty hallway, and Evan was left utterly speechless. But maybe this wouldn't be that bad after all.

What the fuck is with me and endings? I hate myself.

We're kicking off the finally week of oneshots with my first ever soulmate AU

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We're kicking off the finally week of oneshots with my first ever soulmate AU. Tomorrow's is going to be better.

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