Connor and Jared and the Dying Boy

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Based off the book 'Me and Earl and the Dying Girl' by Jesse Andrews which i love too much. Low key Sincerely Three?? Sorry if you hate that ship. Kinda angsty, but also funny at parts. Lots of sexual jokes, also it's about cancer so if that triggers you...

Connor was painting his nails when he heard a knock on his door.


Connor groaned.

"We need to talk." Cynthia opened her son's bedroom door cautiously. "Please just listen for a moment."

Connor rolled his eyes. "Make it short. I have places to be, people to see."

Cynthia sat down at the foot of Connor's bed, playing with the blanket. "Well, actually if you knew what I was about to say that'd actually make a lot of sense..."

"What do you mean?"

"I called up Heidi Hansen, remember her? I met her at a PTA meeting and she was telling me about her son..."

"Oh my god, what did you do?"

"Did you know he was diagnosed with leukemia? Did you know he's absolutely devastated? Did you know he's been sulking in his room for the past two weeks-"

"Its not like he's falling apart. He's still breathing..."

"Connor, stop. This is not a situation to take lightly!" Connor could see tears forming in Cynthia's eyes. She looked up at the ceiling, trying to blink them away. "Just...try. Please."

Connor didn't look up from this newly painted nails. He sighed. "When should I leave?"

Cynthia got up, wiping her eyes. "Thank you. You have no idea how happy this will make him."


So far this visit wasn't going so well. It had been 5 minutes since Connor had sat down on Evan's chair, and neither had said a word. Connor examined the boy's room, maybe that'd make a good conversation starter. He noticed Evan had a lot of pillows, most were blue, but one specificity caught his eye. It was thrown in the corner, and had a picture of a tree sewn onto it.

"That's a uh nice...pillow," Connor pointed to said pillow, and Evan turned to look at it.

"Oh, yeah. Thanks," Evan smiled softly.

"You have a lot of pillows," Connor said, stating the obvious. He facepalmed internally at his stupidity. He needed to say something else. "Uh...I wish I had that many."

"Why don't you um...ask your parents for some?"

"They wouldn't like that." Words were just falling out of Connor's mouth now. He didn't know what else to say.

"Why...why not?"

Then Connor got an idea. "They'd probably think I'd masturbate all over them or something." Evan went silent, his mouth hanging open. He tried to say something, but instead he let out a huge snort and started laughing. He couldn't stop.

"They...they're gonna masturb..." he couldn't even form words, he was laughing so hard.

Connor grinned, and decided to play along. "Well, it's their fault for buying really sexy pillows. I mean, I had this one pillow, but we had to burn it because every time I looked at it, I'd get a huge boner." Evan was rolling on the floor, barely able to breathe. Connor continued, grinning. "But it was so sexy, the first time I saw it all I wanted to do was make love to it all night. I used to say, 'Stop playing with my emotions, you slutty pillow. Such a dirty slut.'"

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