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Requested by SkylarTurner6. They also wanted trans!Evan but I'm so bad at writing trans!anything so sorry but it's not happening.

Evan and his mother had had the talk, the one about divorce not sex although they'd had that one too, a few times now. He knows that his mom and his dad had grew apart to the point where they just didn't love each other anymore, and he knows that it wasn't his fault or anyone's fault, it just happened. He knows that his dad moved to Colorado and found a nice wife over there and a happier life, and he knows that he shouldn't think about it too much and that it doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that him and his mother are happy on their own.

So that's why when he saw his dad in the meat isle of the supermarket, he almost pissed himself.

Evan was with his boyfriend Connor on an errand requested by Heidi who worked in the hospital full hours and had practically no time to do the work shopping herself. So that's why whenever she asked Evan to go to the store and pick up a few things, he was more than happy to. He figured it was the least he could do, since she did supply for the roof over his head, and the clothes on his shoulders.

So there they were, looking through the steaks, when Evan spotted out of the corner of his eye someone who had short, curly blonde hair like him and a soft expression exactly like his.

"Holy shit," he muttered to himself, almost dropping the steak he had picked up in shock. He took another quick peek to confirm his suspicions and sure enough, there was his dad digging through the chicken breasts.

Connor looked at his boyfriend with a mix of worry and confusion on his face. "What is it?" He tried to wrap an arm around the smaller boy comfortingly, but Evan shrugged him away. Connor frowned. This was unlike him.

Evan just shook his head, putting the meat in the cart and pushing it around a corner. Connor followed obediently with the shopping list in his hand, still a little skeptical.

Pretending like nothing happened, Evan scanned through the cereals. He tried to keep his mind off the fact that his dad was somehow back from across the country, but it didn't work. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop thinking about it. Should he go talk to him? It'd been almost 10 years since he left, maybe longer. Would he remember who Evan was? Don't be silly, of course he would Evan was 7 last time he saw him.

Screw it, he had to know.

Evan handed the shopping cart to a very confused Connor before he sprinted back around the corner to the meats. But the man wasn't there anymore. Evan grunted something inaudible and stomped his foot in frustration before making his way back to the cereal isle where Connor just stood frozen in place.

"What the fuck was that?" He raised an eyebrow suspiciously at his boyfriend, but Evan just shuffled his feet uncomfortably.

"Nothing, it's fine," he tried to give Connor a genuine smile.

"Fine, whatever," Connor smiled slightly in return, and took Evan's hand in his before pushing the cart to the cash register.

All of the lines were pretty long, it must have been a busy day. They chose the shortest line, which was still fairly long, and while Evan pulled out his wallet to look for his mom's credit card, someone else moved to stand behind them in line. Someone with short, curly blonde hair and a soft expression, exactly like Evan's.

Evan almost threw up right there.

He felt himself begin to grow dizzy with anxiety and put an arm on Connor's shoulder for support, squeezing it roughly. Connor looked at him strangely, he was getting a little frustrated now. "Ev, just tell me what's wrong," he insisted but Evan shook his head, not daring to look behind him.

"Is he okay?" The guy behind them asked out of sympathy and slight curiosity.

Connor sent him a reassuring smile. "Yeah, it's just...anxiety."

The guy nodded. "I know how it feels."

But this only made Evan feel worse. He just nodded and leaned his head on Connor's shoulder. Connor wrapped an arm around Evan, he figured he may just be tired, and finally it was their turn to put the pay for their food.

Evan scooted in front of his boyfriend to swipe the credit card, which gave him the perfect angle to take a good look at the guy standing behind him.

Sure enough, he looked the same as he did ten years ago. Or at least, from what Evan remembered about him.

"Dad?" Evan blurted out before he could stop himself.

The guy gave him a weird look, and Connor just grabbed the bags. "Come on, Ev lets go."

"Dad," Evan said again to the guy, who still looked confused. He forced himself to make eye contact with him, and Evan noticed he had the same curious eyes. "It's me. It's Evan."

And something clicked in the guy's brain, his eyes slowly lighting up with realization. "Evan? Holy shit, you've grown up," he laughed slightly. Connor looked between the two and Evan saw him make the connection as well.

Evan lifted a hand to wave meekly. "Hi, dad."

Okay, I'm not making a part II for this one because A] I don't feel like it and B] because I wanted to leave you with a sort of cliffhanger.

Okay, I'm not making a part II for this one because A] I don't feel like it and B] because I wanted to leave you with a sort of cliffhanger

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