Friday Night Special

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"The fact that you don't know your make or model make it hard to give you any advice but what you've described sounds like this may take some time and a fair bit of money to get sorted." I hear Byron explain as I walk into the room where he and Faith are. "Well I don't really have any money, but I have all the time in the world, so at least there's that." Faith tells him.
Before I can even stop myself I say "Oh Byron this is on the highschools account I actually hit her, so it's my bad, but I was doing school stuff so put it on the tab."
Faith looks like she about to start saying something like that's a lie so I grab her arm and say "Thanks Byron, we gotta get accommodation and all that sorted, but we will see you tomorrow!"
"Oh, no problem Timbo. Goodbye Miss Perry, see y'all tomorrow!"
Once the truck doors are shut she says "you didn't have to do that, you know."
"Yeah but consider it just part of the whole 'rescuing you from the middle of nowhere Tim McGraw' deluxe package" I tell her.
"Well, thanks." She sighs. "What are the Start Motel rates like?" She asks.
"Well they're not to bad, but I can do you one better. My mom has been operating a foster kid halfway house for the last 10 years but retired at the beginning of the year." I tell her.
"I don't want to intrude, the motel looked nice!"
"Faith it's fine! She loves guests! And besides we are here now."
I say as I pull into my moms driveway. I go to grab Faiths stuff in the back but she beats me to it.
"Need any help?" I ask her, but I feel like I already know her answer. "Nah, it's fine. I got it."
I let us in as i hear the sound of cooking come from the kitchen. "Mom! I have a visitor!" I yell so she knows that there are people in her house.
"I'm in the kitchen Timmy!!" She hollers back.
I follow her voice with Faith trailing behind me. "Mom!" I say as she embraces me in her arms, surprisingly strong for such a little woman. "Mom, this is Faith. She needs a place to stay, and I don't think Christine would take well to a stranger in our home." I laugh. My mom turns to Faith and immediately embraces her. Faith returns it with a warm smile, not that I was focusing on her face or anything. "It is lovely to meet you Faith, I was just fixing Tim and I our Friday night special. Why don't the two of you go set the table." My mom says.
"Sounds good mama."

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