Groomsmen from Hell

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I was told I was going grocery shopping. I was horribly lied to. Paul told me he would drive and as soon as we got in his car I saw his gps set to an address in town that's not mine or the supermarket. I said nothing and soon we pulled into Jason's driveway.
"Umm... what are we doing here?" I ask, no doubt sounding very scared.
"We're going on wee trip Tim." Paul says and almost on cue my football buddies and brothers in law and Faiths brothers run out. The open my door and lead into a circle that they form around me.
"Tim. You are getting married. This process can either be down the easy way or the hard way." Byron says. They've spiced up the introduction a bit since we last did it. "Since tonight is your last night of freedom we will be taking you on an expedition, but first you must drink." He finishes thrusting the bottle at me. They all then begin to quietly chant "drink drink drink" around me.
"Listen y'all, I appreciate this. I really do but I just think that maybe we should have a quiet night in?" I suggest. Bad move Tim. Before I know it they're grabbing me and putting on a blindfold and tying my hands behind my back.
"We told it was going to be the easy way or the hard way." Some one says as they put me into the back of a truck. I just hope Faith is having a fun night because mines about to get real interesting.

Faith POV
So the party bus is 20 minutes away but I don't want to go. I mean sure everyone wants to have a bachelorette party but there will be alcohol everywhere and me not drinking will just cause suspicion and if anyone finds out I'm pregnant then Tim will find out before the wedding, I mean secrets aren't well kept in this town. Me and Gaye are sitting in the lounge as we wait for everyone and I decide to voice my trepidation's with her.
"Just say that you don't want to risk feeling groggy or hungover on the biggest day of your life, I'm sure people will understand. And if that doesn't work then I will drink your drink first." She laughs.
"You are a good friend." I tell her. I'm wearing jeans tonight and I swear when I put them in they felt tighter and now I all ready feel pregnancy fat. I stand up in front of Gaye and turn to my side. "Do I look fat?" I ask holding my lower stomach. "Not a joke, not rhetoric." I add. She just laughs anyway.
"Faith, I don't think you'll ever look fat, there might come a time where you'll look pregnant but I don't think you will ever look fat." As she finishes a bus rolls down the street. As the doors open the lights are going and I can see that the party has already begun. It a going to a long night.

Hey guys
This fix has about 2-3 chapters left. Can't believe the end is in sight. I read through the whole thing the other day and it has been such a journey! Thank y'all for sticking with this fic even when it got a lil shitty. I appreciate all the reads, likes and comments. Enjoy xox

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