Every 30 Seconds

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I'm nervous. I could be about to find out that I'm going to be a dad. That would be so great. I wouldn't even know what to say. Faiths sitting in her chair nervously tapping her toes. I don't know the right words to say so I remain quiet with her. The doctor comes back in. Oh god.
"Okay Faith, your results are back." She says. Her tone indicating that it's not anything bad, babies aren't bad. I feel my self smiling. Calm down Tim.
"What is it?" Faith asks.
"It appears that your dehydrated and your red blood count level is slightly lower than expected. Nothing major. I'm going to prescribe some iron and magnesium tablets to get that up and I would like you to drink more water. Tim, make sure she does." She says turning to me. I'm obviously glad that Faith is going to be fine and that she's relatively healthy, I guess I just had my hopes set on some other news.
"That's it?" Faith asks her sounding as shocked as I feel.
"Yeah, we ran for everything from pregnancy to herpies but your safe." Well at least there's no disease. "Just rest, get your iron and magnesium levels up and drink more water. I'm going to ask you to get another set of blood tests in 3 weeks just to see if the tablets are working." Faith takes the script from the doctor and we thank her and return to the truck without saying a word. I mean we weren't trying to have a baby so really there's no reason to be upset at all.
"I'm sorry Tim." Faith says, sounding exhausted and emotionally drained.
"Faith, baby, why are you sorry?" I say taking the keys out of the ignition to face her.
"I know how excited you were about having a baby." She says breaking down. I feel awful.
"No, no. Faith. Look at me. I'm just glad that your healthy. We're not even trying to have a baby right now. We can wait. Like you said, we've got the rest of lives to have babies. When it's meant to be it will happen for us. You have nothing to be sorry for." I explain to her, trying to calm her down.
"I wanted a baby too." She chokes out. "This weekend really warmed me up to the idea." She kind of laughs. I feel so bad that we got so ahead of ourselves.
"Faith, all I know is that one day, hopefully very soon, we're going to be sitting in this truck outside this doctors practice happier than we've ever been. It doesn't have to be now. We've got other things on our horizon right now, but when it does happen, god we're gonna be happy."
"I love you so much." She says kissing me.
"I love you too."

Currently life is great. Football season is starting up again and we've taken a few blows since losing our senior players like Joey but were excited to get underway. Faith and I get married in 2 months. God this wedding planning had been exhausting. Luckily Faith is taking better care of herself, making sure she takes her tablets and drinks enough water had become one of my favourite jobs, not. I feel like everyday there's a new wedding drama and I kind of hate it. But I remember my brother in laws advice well, make her dream come true and get rewarded on the honeymoon. I've booked a trip to the Bahamas which should be good. I mean Faith in a bikini, what's not to love? School has been going well, our nurse is doing great and thankfully we haven't had another pregnancy scare. Faith has been talking about doing a teachers diploma so that she can teach biology or something. I think it's a great idea, she has so much to offer. We've gone to Nashville a few more times as well to visit Gaye and her husband. I think I might need to get Faith a bigger wedding ring because guys just hit on her constantly and I'm like dude get lost. All and all life is going well for us. My mom and Miss Gracie have been road tripping around the state, mostly just day trips though. Every time I see Miss Gracie she looks more frail. I hope she's okay, neither her or my mom have said anything so i assume it's just what happens.
"Hey honey, wanna grab lunch?" Faiths asks from my office door. She so cute. We do this everyday, walk from our offices to the staff room holding hands and then we stand really close as we toast them. Sometimes I give her a little kiss as well, but that's just occasionally when I'm really feeling it. So basically everyday.
"Yeah just let me send this email." I quickly wrap up and join her.
"Okay, so we really need to finalise the menu for the wedding." She says. God more wedding talk. I need a break.
"Yeah, we can look at it tonight." I say. We eat our lunches and hang out with our respective friends. Halfway through last period Faith comes to lay on my couch, I've given up on asking her if she has any work.
"Okay, so I'm going to enrol to do a teaching diploma via LSU remotely. But I don't want to be a biology teacher, I was looking online and what I could do is run a weekly course for kids interested in any medical field." She says staring at the roof.
"Wow! Faith that's great!" I say to her, excited for this opportunity.
"Yeah, I think so." She sighs contently. She lays on my couch until the final bell goes and then we walk out to my truck. As soon as we get home Faith pulls out her laptop.
"Okay Tim, these are the menu options." She says as she starts to read off the list. I'm not listening because I couldn't care less what we eat and because I'll just say what I say every time we discuss wedding stuff.
"I don't know, what do you think?" I say right on cue.
"Um I don't know." She ponders for a moment. She then says something that I can't really hear as I open my can of Coke.
"Yeah Faith, that sounds like a great idea." I say not aware at all of what I've agreed to. I go and sit on the couch next to her. She greets me with a death stare.
"You have no idea what I just suggested do you?" She says. She does not sound impressed.
"I mean... I don't really know exactly what it is, I'm not a foodie." I lie making it sound like I just don't know what the dish is, good one Tim. "But I trust you baby."
"Tim you've said a different version of that every time I've asked you to help make a decision for the wedding." She sounds mad. And she looks it too. "If you don't want to help, just tell me!" She asserts slamming her laptop shut.
"Maybe if it wasn't a wedding drama every 30 seconds I would e more compelled to help!" I rebut. Why am I escalating this situation?
"Maybe if I had someone actually helping me there wouldn't be a drama every 30 seconds!" she yells at me.
"God Faith! Why don't you just plan this wedding by yourself!"
"I already am!" She says as she storms off to our room, slamming the door behind her.

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