Worlds Best Diner

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Faith POV
I haven't said a word since we left the garage, I'm just trying to process the whole situation. I mean I could always ask Tim to drive me to Nashville, or get a bus. But this crapbox car and my guitar are the only things I have to my name, and I don't think Dan will ever come looking for me Start. Maybe I can just hang around and wait for the car to get fixed. I'm so lost in my thoughts that I don't realise the waitress is taking Tims order. "And for you miss?" She says to me.
"I'll just have what he's having thanks." Even though I have no idea what that is. Hopefully it's good.
"Look Tim, thank you so much for helping me as much as you have. You and your mom have been so kind to me but it's not fair on y'all for me stick around bothering y'all." I tell him, careful not to drown in his beautiful gaze. His face is so chiseled and he has the right amount of fuzz in his chin.
"Faith stop worrying!" He says, he places his hand over mine "you are not a burden. And I'm gonna help, whether you want me to or not. Me and my mom." Just as he says that the waitress comes back with 2 chocolate shakes, "your burgers are on the way Tim." She says ignoring me and causing Tim to lift his hand away from mine. I want to grab his hand back and tell him that it belongs near mine but then I remember that I hate men, he loves Christine and this waitress is checking him out.
"Thanks Dana." He tells her as she walks back to the kitchen.
"Everyone around here likes you, don't they." I say trying to be subtle about Dana.
"Well I'm a nice guy, but I think it's just because the McGraws and Start go way back." He says laughing a little, and I know that he has no idea just how much people really love him. He doesn't see the glances woman give him, or how people go out of their way to greet him, or how little kids look at him like he's Santa Clause. He doesn't know how great he is.
"I just don't expect you to help because none of this was your fault and it shouldn't be up to you to help me." I tell him trying not to sound like I desperately want his help.
"Well everything happens for a reason Faith. And it would kind of ruin my reputation around here if people found out I didn't help the beautiful girl stranded on the highway." His words make me blush and duck my head to hide it. Maybe he's right, everything happens for a reason and maybe Start is my chance to start all over.

Sorry it's a short chapter, I'll make the next one longer!!

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