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So it turns out Faith and I like our coffee the same way. And we both actually can drink more than one cup. As we sit in the kitchen drinking our coffee we just talk and laugh. There's a whole lot of laughter. She's hilarious and witty, keeps you on your toes. "Okay, okay. But seriously what do you do for fun?" She asks me leaning her head on hands tilting her face towards me. Her lips are the most perfect shape I have ever seen.
"Coach Football?" I tell her taking another sip.
She laughs at my suggestion, clearly that isn't what she thinks fun is. My mom walks into the kitchen "My you two are back soon what did Byron say about the car?"
I look at my watch and its 9:25. We're late! "Faith and I actually haven't been yet. We lost track of time." I say sheepishly. "We better be off."
"That's a good idea." My mom says. "Oh and at church meeting this morning we've organised a BBQ for the congregation after the service, tell Christine" she yells as we walk towards my truck. I can't believe that we lost track of time like that!
"Y'all involved with church?" Faith asks me as we buckle into my truck.
"My mom has been on the board since I was born, and I run the youth services. Keep those kids in church for as long as we can." I laugh.
"Well, who knows maybe I'll still be here tomorrow and I'll come along too." She says.
"I'd like that." I say before I even register that that the words have come out of my mouth. Jesus Tim, just because Christine hasn't been faithful doesn't give you the right, I think to myself. We drive into Starts town centre and since it's Saturday and busy I take the first park I see even though it's far away from Byrons.
As Faith and I walk through the town I great everyone who passes.
Faith POV
What. The. Actual. Hell. Tim knows everyone in this town. Young and old, everyone. Little children run up to him and call him Uncle Tim, older folks ask him about the football team. I feel like he's secretly the mayor of this place. He patiently introduces me to everyone we pass, and I can't help but smile at him. I still hate men and all but he's so nice. We walk into Byrons garage and I see that crapbox car parked with the bonnet up.
"Tim! Faith!" We hear from the office. "I've got good news and bad news..." Byron says, "good news is that this thing didn't blow up while you were in it, bad news is she basically needs a whole new engine and we don't have any of the parts. Could take 4-6 months. At least."
I'm in shock. I wanted a decent break, I just thought it was going to be a weekend maybe 2 away not 6 months. "Well thanks Byron, let us know if we need to come in and check anything." Tim tells him as he leads me out of the garage. "You alright?" He asks me.
"6 months. That's a really long time Tim. I'm relieved for the chance to get away but what am I going to do for 6 months?" I feel my self getting worked up.
"Hey it's fine. We'll figure this out, come on." He tells me, "it's time you went to the worlds best diner."

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