Here We Go

500 13 4

Faith POV
Our families are arriving in like an hour. Tim and I have move all the stuff we need for the next seven days to the spare house where we're staying and have our honeymoon luggage ready to go. Seven days and I'll be Mrs McGraw. I've been feeling very under the weather but I don't want to stress Tim out. He's so busy with school, football and now the wedding that me feeling sick would just give him to much to worry about. I'm sitting on the couch nursing a glass of herbal tea that's supposed to calm your stomach when I see a fleet of cars coming up the driveway. As the doors open different family members pour out of each vehicle.
"Tim! They're here!" I yell down the hall way. Tim comes out of the study to help me welcome everyone. Gaye and her husband are coming tomorrow but they're going to be staying in the spare house with us.
"Oh god, here we go." Tim says wrapping an arm around my waist as we walk out to greet everyone. Our nieces and nephews race straight towards us.
"Aunt Faith!!! Uncle Tim!!!" They say as they embrace us.
"Hey guys." Tim says to them. I'm trying my best to be chipper but I honestly feel like I could just crawl under the covers and never come out.
We help everyone bring their stuff in and get settled.
"Would y'all like some coffee?" I ask everyone as we stand around chatting about the wedding and everything. Everyone let's out a yes please.
"Do you need help honey?" Tim asks.
"No I'll be fine." I say as I peck his lips. He trails behind me as I walk into the kitchen.
"Faith are you okay? That rated like you've been sucking on quarters." Tim says. I've got my back to him but I know that my face has gone white.
"Oh, it's probably that filling I need to get fixed." I lie.
"Oh, okay well I'll be with the family if you need help." He says as I hear his footsteps leave the kitchen. I know I thought this last time, and I know I was very wrong but I think I'm pregnant. God I'm a nurse I should've suspected something sooner. But I can't do what I did last time, tell Tim and get his hopes up only to break and crush them. I need to take a pregnancy test as soon as possible.
"Tim, were out of milk!" I tell as I pour it down the sink. He comes walking in.
"I'll leave to go get some more." He says as he grabs the truck keys off of the bench.
"No, I'll go." I insist. "I need to drop my assignment off at Karla's house as well, she said he would proofread it for me." I lie.
"Oh, are you sure? I don't mind." He says.
"No it's fine I'll go. I'll sneak out now to avoid any passengers." I laugh as I grab the keys off of him.
"Drive safe." He says kissing my forehead.
"Love you." I say grabbing my assignment and slipping out quietly. I get in the truck and drive to the store. It's Sunday so it won't be busy. I get out of the truck and walk into the store, it's completely empty except for the cashier who is a girl from school. Fuck. I have to buy a pregnancy test off a student. Awesome. Okay, I grab the milk from the fridge and then I loiter in front of the toiletries for what seems like an hour as I build up the courage to grab a box off the shelf. I eventually grab a box and race to the counter.
"Hey Mrs McGraw." The girl says as I come up. "Are we calling you that get?" She asks looking at me and not my purchases.
"Yeah that's fine." I say nervously. She scans the milk and puts it in a bag. Then she picks up the pregnancy test. She looks up at me. Fuck.
"I would really appreciate if you didn't go around school saying what I just bought." I say because I could not imagine anything worse.
"I won't Mrs McGraw, I swear." She says, sounding very sincere.
"Thank you." I finish as I pay for my milk and tests and get to the truck. In my mind I decided to go to Karla's because she's my best friend here in Start and do the test there. As I'm driving the nerves build up more and more. I pull into her drive way and grab the box and the print out of my assignment. 2 birds one stone. I walk up to the door and knock.
"Hey Faith. What are you doing here?" She asks surprised.
I bought you my final assignment to proofread for me I say gesturing it towards her.
"Oh" she says taking it. "What are those for?" She asks me gesturing to the box in my hands.

Hey guys! Happy new year! I hope 2018 brings happiness and love to all of you beautiful people. Hopefully 2018 will be full of glorious Tim and Faith moments! Sorry for being so absent. This fic is slowly starting to wrap up. Hope you guys are still enjoying it. It's crazy to think that my first fic is coming to an end but you can start reading my new fic which is called "that was then, this is now." Love and light from me here in the South Pacific

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