Blake? George.

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Faith POV
I'm engaged. How crazy is that? I'm going to marry my best friend, my lover and the greatest man alive. There's no ring or anything yet but I don't need one. Technically none of the ladies at that coffee thing were right. Tim proposed before we won state, I mean Missi is still going to think she was right so maybe I just won't tell her. We get on the bus to head home and everyone is buzzing, when we get back start the bus with the adults stops straight outside the bar. Typical. Usually when we get to the bar after a game Tim goes with the guys and I go to the woman but since we're technically celebrating our engagement Tim doesn't let me go. It's actually really nice because now the woman and men are all mingling together. It's ideal. Except Tim and I aren't really joining in. We're to giddy together. I pull off his lap to go to the bathroom, Missi follows me.
"I was so right." She says walking in and sounding very smug. I'm not sure where Tim and I are at with the whole engagement and whether or not we're telling everyone yet.
"Right about what?" I ask
"Tim proposed."
"Sorry to disappoint." I say showing her my bare hand and walking back out to Tim. I can't wait to be Mrs McGraw.

I woke up this morning with my fiancé in my arms. Naked and beautiful and all I've ever wanted.
"Hey baby." I say stroking her head.
"Hey fiancé." She says sleepily, goodness I love her.
"We need to go to my moms today." I tell her.
"Okay. Why?" She asks.
"Your engagement ring is there."
"What? Are you saying you planned to ask me in a changing room?" She's laughing but I think it's actually a cute story.
"No. I was going go ask you next week in Telluride but I guess I couldn't wait." She gives me a kiss.
"I love you honey."
"I love you too. Let's go get your ring."
We get to my mom and Miss Gracie's place.
"Hey momma!" I say walking in holding Faiths hand.
"Is that our star champions coach?" I hear from the kitchen.
"Hey momma, hey Miss Gracie." I say kissing them on the cheek. Faith gives them each a hug. She's so cute. I didn't think I could get anymore smitten than what I already was but here we are. I'm side tracked by Miss Gracie, she's looking very thin.
"Y'all did so well! State champ 4 years running! That's incredible." My mom says.
"We're very proud of you." Miss Gracie chimes in.
"Well I think y'all might just become a whole lot happier." I say to them grabbing hold of Faiths waist and pulling her close to me. "Faith and I are engaged." Their shrieking could've blown the roof off. Faith and I are laughing and they both embrace us.
"Oh son, I'm so happy! I get another daughter!" My mom says hugging Faith.
"I'm not saying this was because of me, but it is, and that first child would love the name Gracie." Miss Gracie says to us. We just laugh.
"Oh! You probably want the ring!" My mom says rushing out. She comes back with a little box and her camera. "Okay you two, here's the ring and then let's get a photo of the new fiancés." I get the ring, take it out of the box and slip it on her finger.
"Tim it's beautiful!" She says giving me a kiss.
"It was my grandmothers." I tell her. We sit down with my mom ad Miss Gracie.
"Okay so when's the wedding?" My mom asks.
"Umm..." I say.
"I want a spring wedding." Faith says.
"I want to get married as soon as possible." I say teasing her.
"Tim, I am not getting married in winter." She says laughing. "Maybe Autumn?" She says.
"I'm not waiting that long!" I laugh at her.
"But what if we do it like on the year anniversary of when I got to start. October 6?" She's got to be joking. 10 months. She wants me to wait 10 months before I can be her husband. To be honest I do t really care. I love her and would want to be with her anytime and anywhere.
"If that's what you want baby." I say.
"I think that would be lovely!" Miss Gracie says. We talk to them a little while longer and then decide to go grocery shopping. We're at the cash register and Faith is paying. The lady serving us takes the money from Faiths hand and suddenly her eyes go wide.
"Is that an engagement ring?" She asks Faith.
"Um...." Faith has no idea who this woman is, I don't really either.
"Why yes it is." I say to her.
"Oh my! Congrats y'all!" She says as we head for the door.
"We're telling people?" Faith asks.
"Of course we are. I want everyone to know that my heart belongs to you." I tell her sounding extra mushy.
Faith spends the whole night on Pinterest showing me different ideas for the wedding. By the theme of the photos I can tell that she is set on the idea of an Fall wedding. Oh well a ten month engagement that's not that long. I can't wait to be Mr and Mrs McGraw and having little Faiths and Tims running around. The idea warms my insides. Tonight I will sleep a happy man.

Church is more of a football fanclub when we arrive. And then people see Faiths ring and all of a sudden it's a Tim and Faith fanclub. We're engaged and apparently the pastor feels compelled by our lord to give a completely off the cuff message about love. Typical. His sermon is followed by him finishing with "and to close we as a congregation want to give our best wishes to two people who have decided to declare their love for one another before our father. Congratulations on your engagement Tim and Faith." I knew that a low key engagement was never going to be a possibility in Start but this high key is crazy even for us. Faith is smiling at me and I guess if she's happy then I'm happy.
"That engagement announcement is the most Start thing I've ever experienced." She whispers to me. I can't help but laugh. She's right. Once pastor steps of the stage were swarmed by well wishers and people asking "when's the wedding?" Or "how did he ask?" Jason who I haven't seen inside a church in a few months asks "is she pregnant?" What an ass. But he's our ass. He's an acquired taste but I can't help but love him. Missi and Byron insist that we come over for drinks at their place tonight to celebrate not only football but our engagement too. How could we say no?
"Tim? Do you think we'll have to host our own engagement party? Like at our house and we invite my family and yours and everything." Faith asks me as we drive to Byron and Missis.
"If you want to." I say.
"Tim, you're not much help." She laughs.
"I just don't really care about what we need to do I just want to do what you want to do. Because that all I care about. You."
"Okay. Well we're having a party. And your going to love it." She says teasing me.
"If that's what you want baby."

Faith POV
I can't wait to call my momma. As soon as we get home after Byron and Missis celebration I grab the phone.
"Hello Perry residence, Edna speaking."
"Momma! Tim proposed!" I basically yell into the phone.
"Oh my baby girl! Ted! It's Faith! Tim asked her to marry him!" I hear my mom holler. "Did you say yes?"
"Of course momma. How could I not."
"I'm so happy for you baby. Here's your father. Let me put it on speaker phone." After struggling for a few seconds they get it sorted.
"Faith, we're so happy for you."
"Thank you daddy." I say glad that my parents are happy too.
"Ted I thought you said he was going to wait until they went to the snow?" My momma says.
"That's what I thought."
"He was going to but then at state champs he just asked me in the heat of the moment." I explain to them.
"Oh yeah, state champs! I completely forgot to call Tim and ask how they went." I'm a little taken aback. My fiancé and my father have been sharing phone calls enough to the point where daddy was going to call to ask Tim about his high school football team. I'm so happy.
"We won! First school to win Louisiana state champs 4 consecutive years."
"Well Faith, you give Tim a huge congratulations from me." Daddy says.
"And a big ole hug from his soon to be mother in-law." Momma says.
"I will. Love y'all."
"Bye honey."
Tim comes out of the bathroom in his PJs. It's getting pretty cold so he tends to wear a shirt to bed now, much to my disappointment.
"Who was that on the phone?" He asks, getting in bed.
"My parents." I say. "They're very happy about the engagement and can't wait to come see us. Dad says congrats on state champs and you're quite on quote soon to be mother in law sends a hug." I say embracing him. "Also how often are you calling my dad?" I say kind of laughing. Tim laughs back.
"Why? You worried he's going to tell me some embarrassing stories about you?" He says. "I try and call him once a week. He does the same." The two most important men in my life get along for a change, I'm so happy. "He told me that when you were little you lived to sing? How come you've never said anything?" He asks me.
"I just haven't really thought about singing in a long while. It was fun, but nursing is where I'm at. I love it."
"Sing for me." He asks.
"Um, like what? And you have to promise you won't laugh."
"Some Reba. And I won't laugh." I sing him a few lines from my favourite song. "You're amazing. But the selfish part of me is glad you never became a country start because then I would've had no chance." He says seriously.
"No way honey! You would've stood out no matter what."
"Come on, with guys like George Strait or that other guy, sexiest man alive? What was his name?"
"Oh yeah, Blake Sheldon."
"Yeah, come on. I wouldn't stand a chance."
"I think you would against Blake or most everyone else, but George." I say fluttering my eyes, "he is one gorgeous man."
"Well it's a good thing he's happily married then ain't it." He teases me. I didn't think that Tim and I could ever be happier than what we were but here we are and I can honestly say that I have never experienced bliss like this before.

This fic is v lovey dovey I'm sorry! Not much drama but Tim and Faith off season is killing me and I just need some fluff in my life even if I have to create it. My next fic will be a lot more angsty though. This one still has a whole to go so hopefully you guys will stick along for the ride.

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