Thanks Tug

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Faiths POV
Our wedding was a huge success. Everything was perfect, the food, the tables, the decorations, the music, everything was just perfect. Currently I'm slow dancing with Tim in this big grass field behind his aunts house and the fairy lights above us are twinkling and my heart is so full of love, joy and happiness I could explode.
"Hey so wife, we leave for our honeymoon in the morning." Tim says to me.
"Oh yeah." I say laying my head in his chest. I still haven't told him that were pregnant yet and I'm really hoping to do it before we fly away.
"Tim! Faith!" I hear from one of the tables. It's Tug. I'm so happy he came and was apart of this day with us all, it really made it special. We walk over to him. "So I know I didn't get y'all a wedding gift-"
"Tug please, you don't have to give us anything." Tim interjects.
"I know son, but this is something I want to do for the two of you. Your mama was telling me that y'all are heading to the Bahamas tomorrow for a honeymoon?" We nod our heads. "Well I've arranged for my jet to pick y'all up tomorrow and a friend of mine has loaned me his island for y'all to stay at instead. I know it doesn't make up for being absent and neglecting you all these years but-"
"Tug. Thank you." Tim says holding his arms out for a hug.
"It's my pleasure son."

IM MARRIED TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! God I'm happy. And get this: tug is setting us up with a private island for our honeymoon. I am one lucky man. Faith is off telling her friends about our new honeymoon arrangements while I talk to my mom and miss Gracie. She isn't looking to well, but she hadn't said anything so I assume she is fine.
"Well Tim, you and that gorgeous bride of yours will have a great time!" Miss Gracie says but as soon as she finishes her sentence she collapses. I quickly reach out to catch her and put her on a chair as we try to stir her awake without causing a scene. She wouldn't want this night to be ruined. Her eyes flutter open and I am so relieved.
"Miss Gracie, are you okay? Let me go et Faith."
"No!" She says, "there is nothing she can do." She says taking a deep breath. "I'm dying. I have cancer Tim and the chemo is really kicking my ass." She laughs.
"Miss Gracie! Why didn't you tell us?" I ask her.
"I told your mom and she was all I needed to get through this, I'm gonna die eventually but I don't want to drag everyone else down too." She explains
"Well Faith and I are here for you, anything anytime you let us know, okay?" She nods her head.
"Tim I'm gonna get her home. You enjoy your night." My mom says. I give them both a huge hug and watch as they walk off. I'm in shock, miss Gracie is dying.
"Hey baby. What's up?" Faith says coming over to me.
"Oh nothing." I smile not wanting to worry her. "Are you alright?"
"I'm tired." She says warping her arms around me and giving me a cheeky smile.
"We can go home soon." I tell her. After another hour or so of dancing and mingling and guests dispersing we can finally go home. Not home, home. But our old home none the less. It was such a long day as soon as Faith is out of her wedding dress she's asleep. Gone. Out like a light. I get in bed and my mind is racing about miss Gracie. It's such awful news but I'm sure if anyone can beat it, it's her.
I wake up for the first time with a ring in my finger. I am a married man. As Faith stirs we start our day with the tragically cliche "morning wife." And "morning husband." Lines. I feel like bows a good time to tell Faith about Miss Gracie, rip the bandaid off.
"Miss Gracie has cancer." I blurt.
"What?" Faith says sitting up.
"Yeah I found out last night." I explain to her.
"Wow that's awful."
"She doesn't want everyone knowing right now though so keep it on the down low." I say. I can feel the mode being a little low so I quickly change the subject. "Okay well I think we should get going we have a private plane to catch." I say emphasising the words private plane.
"I am so excited!" She says jumping up. "Can we just stop by the doctors in the way?" She asks.
"Yeah, sure. Let's get this show in the road."
We've got our bags, we've said goodbye to Gaye and Paul, my mom and miss Gracie, faiths and mine families at the farm house and tug, and now we just need to stop by the doctors. I pull into the parking lot.
"Do you remember the last time we were both here together? And we said that someday soon we wanted to be here in this car park again?" She asks as I stop the car.
"We wanted to be sitting here celebrating, being the happiest we've ever been?" She hints further. I'm blank.
"Honestly Tim. Oh god." She sounds nervous. "Well I guess there's something I need to tell you." She pauses looks me dead in the eyes a slight smile across her lips and says "I'm pregnant."

Heeeyy team! Hope y'all are enjoying the last few chapters, there are 2 more for this fic and then that will be a wrap of telluride :( thanks for all the love and support xoxo

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