I Love to Bicker

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Faith POV
I think that's the first honest to god real fight Tim and I have ever had. We've been together nearly 10 months but it feels like years, in a good way. We bicker all the time. I love pressing his buttons just because it's so god damn easy but I don't think we've ever been livid with each other. It was bound to happen, every couple fights but I'm mad that it's about our wedding, supposedly the happiest day of our life. I still love him, he's just been a real asshole. That's a good thing though, your first thought in fight shouldn't be will the relationship end. We're going to be fine he's just going to need to have a really great apology. I've heard make up sex is the best sex if that's anything to go by. I was really excited to head to Nashville next weekend to find a wedding dress, but right now wedding shit can go on the back burner. He's pissed me right off. I flick my laptop open and turn on the Netflix knowing full well that it will kick him off it in the living room. Don't get revenge, get even. And to make it worst I'm going to watch Versailles with out him. I'm not even sorry. Once I've logged in I can hear his loud footsteps in the living room indicating that he's been kicked off. Good. I get comfortable in the middle of our bed so that if he came in there would be no room for him. I must look like a such a child but you know what, I'm not sorry at all. He's been a real dick. It's like he's not interested in this wedding at all. I picked the invites, I picked the flowers, I picked the guests, I picked the caterer, I picked band, I picked the cake, and now it looks like I'll be picking the menu too. God all he did was say "oh let's do under my aunts tree." And then when I jokingly suggested bright pink colour theme he said "let's keep it plain and simple but still elegant" like we had already discussed! It's supposed to be a team effort but god I feel alone in this. For a guy who runs a school, plans proms and homecoming dances he's shit at organising or making any decisions. I hear a knock at the door, knowing it's him. I'm not exactly ready to except an apology right now so he's going to need to make it a bloody good one.
"Come in." I speak only just loud enough to be heard on the other side of the door. He enters the room but remains close to the door, which is good because I don't really feel like I need him close to me right now.
"Faith?" He says like it's a question, his voice sweet and quiet. I'm not going to fall for it, I'm not going to fall for it.
"What Tim." I snap.
"Okay, your obviously not ready to hear this," he starts off using a slightly different tone but still just as sickly sweet, "but I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not pulling my weight with the wedding planning. I get that you've made all the big decisions and that's wrong."
"Then why don't you help?" I interrupt. I'm again on the verge of tears, I just want our wedding to be perfect for both of us. "I don't want to be a bridezilla, I want this day to be fun and full of things we both love, not just stuff I've decided on without you." As I speak each word I get more worked up and eventually the tears begin to roll.
"Oh Faith!" He says walking towards me. "I didn't realise how upset you were about this." His voice shows how shocked he is, I can see he means it.
"Why would I not be? This is supposed to be the best day of both our lives. Not just mine. I want touches of both of us in the wedding I want you to be involved." I'm an ugly mess right now. Tears streaming down my face, wailing at him.
"Oh Faith, baby. I just thought that if I let you make the big decisions and you were happy with the wedding everything would be good. Happy wife, happy life." He explains.
"You're an idiot." I flat pan. I must sound like a bitch. But seriously, put up a fight. Want something for gods sake.
"I'm sorry Faith." He says exasperated.
I just nod at him. I don't want to carry this on much longer. I pull my laptop back onto my lap and press play, indicating that this conversation is over. He sighs and leaves the room.
I watch an episode more and get hungry. I go out to the kitchen and ignore him completely. I find some leftovers in the fridge and heat them up for me. I put it on a plate and pour a glass of wine and retreat back to Versailles. I know I'm stubborn. It's been an issue forever. It's my biggest fault but right now I feel like I have a right to be mad. Tim didn't care enough about our wedding day to give input. I finish my food and watch another episode, take my dishes to the kitchen. I hope he fed himself. I get in bed and lay on my side. It feels weird to be in an empty bed, I've not slept by myself in 10 months. None of our fights have ever led to him sleeping on the couch before. I'm tossing and turning unable to get to sleep when I hear footsteps coming down the hall way. I turn on my side facing away from him. He slides into bed keeping his distance from me.
"I'm sorry Faith." He says, in place of the standard "night love you."
"I just can't believe you dont care enough about our wedding to say anything." I say. I feel bad for dragging it on but I'm pissed.
"It's not that I don't care enough about the wedding, I just care more about you. I want you to have your perfect day. My day will be perfect as long as I get to say your my wife at the end of it." He so sweet. I turn around and give him a kiss. It's hungry and rough and not at all sweet and playful. They were right. Make up sex really is the best sex.

Next weekend
This last week has been really good. Tim has made some actual decisions!!!! Can you believe it? He said that we should mix roses into the centre pieces because he didn't like the dogwood flowers by them selves. What a difference a week and some rough make up sex makes. We're on our way to Gayes place so that we can look for wedding dresses this weekend. I've already decided the style that I want. Just plain white with a slim fitting aline cut. Hopefully we find something like what I've got envisioned. We arrive late on Friday night and we let ourselves in and make our way to the spare room. Since our big fight we kind of haven't been able to keep our hands off each other. Its real bad, I promised myself that I wouldn't have sex in Gayes house, yet here I am very much having sex in Gayes house. Tim and I are getting married in two months and I stopped taking birth control 5 days ago, so if anything happens we'll be well married by the time they get here. Tim knows, and we're not trying to get pregnant I just don't see the point in being careful if the consequence isn't negative. I'm laying in my back exhausted and Tim laying next to me playing with our hands.
"We're going to be married in less than two months." Tim sighs.
"Yeah, we are." I smile.
"This is crazy. I never in a million years thought my life would be like this." He says. Our pillow talk is always different but that's a bit like us I guess.
"Me too." I roll over and kiss him again. Fun and playful are always nice but I pull at his hair a little to show that's not the ball park I'm aiming for. He treats me so well.

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