Little Black Dress

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Faith POV
Tim has been in and out if school all week so I've only seen him in the evenings at home. He's made up for it. Substantially. Tim wanted to leave for Nashville straight after school today but I said that we should stay for the football game. We win again! State champs are closer and closer every game. As soon as the final whistle blows Tim basically grabs me and runs to the truck. We're on the road by 7 and should be in Nashville by 2am. I told Gaye not to wait up, I know where the spare key is and my way to the guest room. I would usually sleep on the drive but I stayed up to keep Tim company.
"Baby, do you think I should book the Telluride trip for the 17? School closes on the fifteenth so we could drive up on the 16th?" He asks as we drive.
"Yeah, oh god I can't wait for the holidays." I tell him.
"Me too." He says. Tim manages to drive basically the whole way with his hand on my leg. I'm just so god damn happy with him. After Dan I thought I would basically become a nun but Tim has changed my life. I can't wait for Gaye to meet him.
"Does Gaye have any kids?" He asks me.
"No, it's just her and her husband Paul, military Sargent, but he's on leave right now." I explain. "I think she organised for all my old work friends and everyone to come dancing with us."
"I can't wait to meet them all." We get into Nashville earlier than expected since there was almost no traffic on the road. Tim being the gentlemen that he is, grabs our bags from the back and I get the spare key. We quietly make our way to the spare room and as soon as our heads hit the pillow were gone.
"Faith, baby. There are people awake outside. We should get ready." I hear Tim say as the morning Nashville sun streams through the window. We quickly get changed and make our way to the kitchen.
"Faith!!!!" Gaye yells as she comes running to hug me. "I have missed you soooooooo much."
"I've missed you too." I say pulling apart.
"And this handsome cowboy must be Tim." She says giving me a hug.
"Yes, this is Tim." I say introducing him to Paul and Gaye. The two I ten have made us all breakfast so we sit and enjoy it. We take the time to recap what's happened over the last while and for them to get to know Tim. I wasn't nervous that they wouldn't like him because how could you not, but I was just worried that they wouldn't get along. Luckily Tim and Paul are getting along really well. They're laughing about football or something while Gaye and I clear the table.
"He's hot." Gaye says as we watch the two of them get along like old friends.
"I know right!" I gush. "And he's so nice Gaye. He's the one." I say to her, happy that I've got my best friend back.
"I'm so happy Faith!" Gaye tells me. Once we've cleaned the kitchen and all we head out of the door to show Tim around. I know he loves country music so we're going to do all that stuff. He's like a kid in a candy store at every stop. It's actually really nice because some of these places I've never been to myself. Because we've got Gaye with us she insists on taking photos of Tim and I at every stop. It's slightly embarrassing but I'm glad we're going to be able to remember this later, this has been one of the greatest days ever. I think Tim has enjoyed I just as much as me. Hes absolutely buzzing, it's adorable. We're heading back to Gaye and Pauls place to get change for dinner and then dancing. I love Start, but the one thing I miss most about Nashville, besides Gaye, is the night scene. And besides everyone knows everyone in Start so going out for a night on the town wouldn't be appropriate as school nurse. I've packed this little black dress that sits tight on my body and stops well above fingertip length. Tim is sticking with a classic jeans and button up combo. He's waiting in the living room with Paul while I get ready so he hasn't seen my dress yet. I know he's going to love it. I also wear a nice black blazer to keep it classy for dinner and some strappy black heels. I'm leaning over the dresser applying some lipstick when Tim bursts through the door and looks me up and down.
"Holy Shit." He says very fixated in my ass. I've succeeded.
"What?" I ask, pretending to be clueless.
"Is it poor guest etiquette to make love in someone else's house?" he says without taking his eyes off of me. I just laugh at him. He walks over towards me holds on to me tightly. "I'm not going to be able to keep my hands to myself tonight." He says.
"I don't want you to." I say giving him a deep kiss.
"I want you so bad." He says to me.
"I can tell." I say giggling and pulling apart from our very tight embrace.
Dinner is lovely, the bluebird is always lovely. We chat pleasantly and Paul, despite Tim's protests, picks up the bill.
"Ready to party y'all?" Gaye asks us as we head downtown to one of my favourite clubs. Waiting for us in the club are all my old colleges and friends.
"Faith!" They all greet me as I come in. For the first  while I introduce Tim to everyone and they all love him, as I expected they would. He's so great with everyone and makes an effort to get to know each of them. Once everyone is acquainted I want to dance. I slip of my blazer and grab Tim's hand.
"Let's go cowboy." I breath into his ear, slightly tipsy. On the dance floor Tim and I are very close. I was not expecting him to be good on a dance floor at all. Sure he sticks out his thumbs a little bit to much but if his hands are on me I don't have to worry to much. We can't keep our hands to ourselves and it's this beautiful, hot swirl of passion. I'm drunk, I'm in Nashville and I want to make out with my boyfriend in the dark corner of a club. I pull him off the dance floor and my lips attack his instantly. It's a hungry, messy kiss filled with some not very subtle groping fuelled by shots of tequila. I can taste it on Tim's lips, or maybe that's his tongue. I'm completely lost in Tim when I hear glass shatter behind us. I pull away for a second to see what's going on. I freeze. Tim can feel me tense up and he turns around to see what I'm looking at. It's a very drunk, very sloppy looking Dan.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Tim yells over the music.

Short chapter! Sorry!! I planning on this being kind of a long story just kind of like 50+ chapters. Is that good or should I cut it and make the rest a sequel? Thanks to those of you who have been enjoying this story with me!

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