Rose and Ryan

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Faith and I had the most glamorous and luxurious honeymoon you could imagine. The jet we flew in was probably the fanciest thing I've ever seen and as soon as we got there we were offered champagne that was fancier than the kind we had at our wedding and it was served in a crystal flute. When we landed we were led to another plane, a lot smaller and it was one of those that can land in water, that flew us to our private island. The whole time I just kept looking over to faith and being completely baffled at how lucky I am. A beautiful honeymoon, a gorgeous wife and now a little baby on way. Everything in my life has just fallen into place perfectly. We land at the private island and the house that awaits us is magnificent, not house actually more mansion. It looks like something from the cover of architectural digest. The whole thing was beautiful. We eventually found the master bedroom and just collapsed on the bed. I'm exhausted, but if I'm tired I can only imagine how tired Faith is, she is literally making a human right now.
"How are you feeling baby?" I ask her.
"I'm great. Look how beautiful it is here Tim. Aren't we lucky?" She says looking at the view. I can't take my eyes off of her. She is radiant and maybe it's the whole Mrs McGraw thing but God I love her.
"Are you sure you're alright? Do you need anything?" I ask and she just laughs.
"Well if you're offering I would love a massage." She laughs. What have I gotten myself into?

Faith POV
We fly home tomorrow our 2 weeks in the Bahamas us over. It was amazing though. We're both so much tanner now and I can comfortably say that our marriage is very well consummated. Our bags are packed and we are enjoying a romantic dinner in the beach. When we first arrived here we thought we had the house to ourselves, and we did, except for all the staff who served us so well. Tim and I so thankful that Tug arranged this for us. It really beat the hotel resort we were planning on staying in. The fresh fruit that we've had since getting here is exactly what I love been craving and I'm not sure what I'm going to do once we get back to start. Tim and I have made so many baby arrangements while we've been here. We want to know the sex as soon as possible because according to Tim "interior decorating must be personalised" and the names Rose and Ryan are still front runners.
"So baby, our last night in paradise." I say to Tim, holding his hand on the table.
"Anywhere is paradise as long as you're there." He says.
"You are such a dork." I tell him. "I married a dork."
"I'm gonna miss this place." Tim says looking up at the stars.
"Me too. All the snorkelling, I loved the snorkelling."
"I liked all the cliffs I could jump off." He says with that daredevil grin.
"No, you liked giving me heart attacks." I laugh. As we sit there reminiscing about our favourite moments from the honeymoon we hear someone calling in the distance.
"Mr and Mrs McGraw! Excuse me! Phone for you!" It must be something important since we have not been contacted during this trip. Tim gets up and jogs over to the housekeeper as I follow behind.
"Hello Tim speaking... Hi mom... slow down... okay, when?" It sounds frantic and Tims tone indicates it's something serious. "No mom it's fine... We fly out in the morning... Okay we will go straight to the hospital... I love you too... I'll tell her... Okay bye." Tim takes a deep breath and turns around to face me. I can see all the colour has drained from his face and obviously he has not received good news. I wrap my arms around him before he even gets the chance to say what's wrong. He buries his head into my shoulder and he breaks.
"Miss Gracie has taken a turn for the worse. She's in hospital and they don't think she's going to make it." He says crumbling. She was like Tims second mother, this must be hard for him.
"Oh baby, I'm so sorry. But it's okay, we'll conquer this one together."
We arrange with our pilot to fly straight to the nearest landing strip to the hospital so we can see miss Gracie. When we get there we can see the life fading from her.
"Tim and Faith! Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." She greets us as we walk into her room. We each give her a hug careful not to hurt her. "How was the honeymoon?" She asks.
"Great thank you Miss Gracie. We actually have something we want to tell you." I say holding her hand. "Tim and I are going to have a baby."
"Oh my! Isn't that great?" She says smiling at us. "I'm so happy you two found one another." Almost as soon as she finished her sentence her heart relate dropped and doctors rushed in. She was gone. Tim was crying, Betty was crying and I was crying. We were all crying.
We said our final good byes and in order to make use of our time here at the hospital Tim and I went to get an ultrasound. Neither of us was as happy as a typical parent us when they first see their child but as soon as they little peanut was on the screen, we broke down again.
"At this point it's to early to know the sex but I can say you're about a month and a half along." Says the doctor. She leaves to give us a moment.
"It's a girl." Says Tim. "I just know. I can feel it in my bones."
"Really?" I ask him.
"Yeah, and we're gonna name her Gracie."

AHHH! One more chapter and then we are donezo! What a crazy ride

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