Home Sweet Home

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So apparently the level of alcohol I need in my system that will allow me to shamelessly but also quiet shamefully make out with Faith in a dark corner of a club is 2 beers and 4 shots of tequila. I'm not drunk, just very buzzed and she's got this little black dress on that hugs her just right, I can't keep my hands off of her. Suddenly in the middle of our sloppy make out Faith pulls away looking horrified. I turn around and see a disgusting looking guy standing above a smashed glass. He's about our age except he looks like a crack addict.
"Dan." Faith says and my protective instincts immediately click into overdrive.
"Do you want to go?" I ask Faith, knowing this would be uncomfortable for her. I know that Dan was a shit guy, didn't treat her well but she's never said anything more. I don't want to push, it can be hard sharing stuff like that but I love her and when she's ready I know she'll share that with me in her own time.
She shakes her head no. I'm unsure of what to do so I just stand as close to Faith as possible. I can see that Dan is about to approach Gaye, luckily Paul is right beside her. "Where is that bitch?!" He yells. "I know she's in town!" I swear to god I will knock that son of a bitch out cold.
"Dan you need to leave." Paul says pushing him away.
"Paul, buddy. Come on, tell me where that slut is." He slurs. I'm so close to snapping I swear to god this guy better leave now or I'm going to beat his ass.
"I'm right hear." Faith says stepping towards him. She doesn't let go of my hand though.
"My, my. Look at you." Dan says. "I hate that dress." He spits at her.
"What do you want Dan?" She asks him squeezing my hand slightly tighter.
"I heard you were in town and I wanted to see if it was true. And then I wanted to tell you that your a good for nothing skank." Nope, I won't be having any of that shit, thank you. I lunge at him. I don't like to fight so instead I grab him by the collar. In his intoxicated state he doesn't provide much resistance so I take him to the bouncer.
"If you ever come near Faith ever again I swear to god you will not walk away a healthy man." I say very close to his face.
"She's a washed up whore. I'm done-" before he can finish his sentence or i can stop myself I punch him square in the face. I turn around to rejoin Faith and I see that she's been watching the whole situation unfold from behind me. Shit, the last thing she needed to see right now was me knocking Dan out.
"Tim!" She says running towards me. She grabs the side of my face and kisses me. "I love you so much." She says.
"I love you too. Are you okay staying here? I can get us a cab back to Gayes house?" I ask unsure of how she's feeling.
"No. Let's stay. It feels good knowing that I was right to leave here. Let's celebrate." She says pulling me towards the bar. "2 shots of tequila please. Lemon and salt on the side." She tells the bartender. He places it in front of us and I quickly pay. I'm about to swig mine when Faith stops me.
"Come on cowboy, let's do body shots." I have absolutely no idea how this is done so Faith quickly demonstrates on me. Once she's done I can't wait to suck her, I mean take my shot. She-it tastes great. After a few more of those we're out dancing again. I'm glad that Dan didn't ruin this night for Faith. It's weird to see her like this, a wild party girl, but I like seeing all these different sides to her. On the dance floor I'm very bad at keeping my hands to myself, but she's just so damn sexy. At about 4am we decide to call it a night. We also decided that tomorrow's sight seeing will be postponed until our next trip since we will all be sleeping of a hangover before our drive home. And since the farm house is ready now I'm hoping to take Faith to see it before we leave for her parents.
When we get back to Paul and Gayes house we say good night and they go upstairs to their room and we remain on the bottom floor in the spare room. At this point were both pretty drunk and Faith can't get her dress off. I start helping her out of it but the combination of her being sexy, a lot of alcohol and very tight jeans mean that I need to make myself comfortable before I can be of help to anyone. I quickly put on some pyjama pants and take off my shirt and get back to helping Faith. I'm exceptionally turned on right now and Faith has made it very clear that she knows.
"Tim I love you, and I want to so bad, but I cannot have sex with you in Gayes house." She says to me.
I'm a little disappointed but I completely respect her decision. So instead she gets under the covers and we enjoy a very nice little cuddle. I have heard some may call this a dry hump but were classier than that.
The next morning I wake up with a pounding headache. "Oh god." I groan. Faith matches me with an equally pained groan. I get up and make my way to the kitchen to see if I can maybe get some aspirin or coffee for the two of us. Gaye is already there making coffee.
"Morning Tim." She says sounding exactly how I would've expected her to sound. "You want some coffee?" She asks.
"And for faith too. We drink it the same." I tell her. "Hey Gaye, those photos you took of Faith and I yesterday can you send them to me?" I ask.
"Yeah sure. What for?" She asks as she stirs the coffee.
"I built a house. Faith hasn't seen it yet l, she doesn't even know about it actually." I explain to Gaye. "So I want to put pictures of us in it and then surprise her."
"That's so sweet." She says handing me two cups of coffee and four aspirins. "Here you go. I'm going to go sleep some more." She says heading back up the stairs. Faith and I drink our coffee and aspirin and then decide to get or stuff together. We say goodbye to Gaye and Paul and thank them for their hospitality and the we got the road. We arrive back to Start at 7 o'clock.
"Hey baby, I need to go pick up somethings from my office." I say as she heads back to bed.
"Okay." I think she could care less right now. I'm actually going to print the photos that Gaye sent me. I unlock the yearbook centre and quickly print all the good ones. I mean all the ones of Faith are good, I'm the one I need to worry about. Then once their printed I head over to my moms.
"Momma!" I greet her as I walk in the door.
"Hey Tim. How was your trip?" She asks me.
"Great actually." I tell her all about it.
"Sounds great son."
"Mom I actually need a favour. In this envelope are photos of me and Faith. I need you to get frames for them and then go place them all through the farm house, by 6:30 tomorrow." I explain my whole idea of surprising Faith to her and she agrees to help. So it's settled, tomorrow after football I'm gonna take Faith to see our new home. As I fall asleep I begin to get nervous, I mean I had an interior designer do basically all the design but what if faith doesn't like it? I decide that if she really hates it we design all over again I'm just excited to live in a place that belongs to the two of us and no one else.

There's about a half hour of training left and my nerves are almost boiling over. I think Faith can see I'm on edge but she doesn't say anything. I try to calm down as we wrap training up. Faith and I get in my truck and I start to drive out to the farm house.
"Tim? Where are we going?" Faith asks.
"Oh did I forget to say that I needed to drop the spare key off at my property for the new tenants." I lie. It's a pretty good one.
"Oh okay." We are driving up the long driveway surrounded by big pat trees. "Wow, this place is stunning." Faith says looking out the window.
I get out of my truck and walk toward the door. Faith remains in the truck. "Baby, come on!" I tell showing for her to come. "Come meet the new tenants." I say. As we approach the front door I knock knowing that no one is going to answer. "They're probably not here yet. I'll just let us in and put the keys on the bench." I say opening the door. As we walk in there's a large entrance hall with a wall unit, on it stands a picture of Faith and I. Momma did her job. Faith is taken aback by the grandeur of the interior and doesn't notice it.
"And you built this place?" she asks whipping her head around.
"With a lot of help," I say walking through. There are a few more photos around the living and dining areas. Come on Faith see them. Faith walks around the living room and right on top of the fireplace is this photo of the two of us kissing outside the Ryman.
"Tim, why do your new tenants have a photo of us kissing in Nashville?" She asks sounding baffled. I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her waist.
"Faith, when I started building this place I thought I was going to have some happy family move in here, but now that I've met you and I can see our family together I want this to be our home." I tell her absolutely beaming. Tears are slipping out of her eyes and she can't really look at me. "Baby, why are you crying?" I ask concerned and wiping her eyes.
"I just never thought I would have this. The beautiful boyfriend who loves me, the gorgeous house that he built for us, and the hope for a wonderful future with him." She says choking back more tears. Im so touched by what she said. I give her a kiss.
"Baby, I love you so much." I say.
"This is why you kept it such a secret." She says catching on.
"So what do you say? Ready to make this our home?"
"I couldn't be more excited." She says kissing me.
"Come on I'll show you around." I say taking her hand and show her all the rooms. "So here we have a guest bedroom with an ensuite. And further down we've got 3 bedrooms, we can probably turn one into an office, and then down here is the master bedroom." I open the door to a very large room with a bed that looks out onto a floor to swirling window that displays the whole property. There's an adjoining bathroom with a large bathtub and ceiling shower. "So. What do you think?" I ask Faith hoping she'll love it.
"Tim, this is amazing. I can't wait to live here." She says.
"I'm so happy you love it. Do you think we should move in this week? I can ask Miss Gracie to fill in again." I say. I really just want to live here with Faith.
"That would be so great."

Faith POV
Tim and I are off on Wednesday so that we can move in to the farm house. Since its fully furnished were mostly just moving kitchen stuff, clothes and a few personal things. We do it all ourselves. Tim has borrowed a trailer for the day so we use his truck and the trailer and get all our boxes over in 2 trips. I'm very happy to be moving into Tim and mines first house. He did such a great job of building this place and he's made it a real home.
We spend the day unpacking and just getting all of our stuff across. By around 5 we're finished. I'm to exhausted to make anything for dinner so we drive into town to get burgers, then we head home. To our home.
"I can't believe we're going to sleep in our home." Tim says as we pull on our pyjamas.
"Me too. I love you honey." I say kissing him as we lay in our bed. He hugs me into his side closely.
"Are you excited to see your parents?" He ask me.
"Nervous. But excited." I reply.
"I hope they like me." Tim says sounding concerned.
"Tim, they're going to love you. You're perfect." I say holding him tightly.
"I think you're the perfect one."

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