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Faiths POV

I wake up early on Monday morning like I'm used too. Tim won't be picking me up for another 2 hours since its only 5am. I get out of bed and put some running clothes on, I love running. I tried for a while to do it in Nashville but the streets are so crowded and the car emissions are awful I ended up joing a gym, but Starts air is fresh and I doubt there'll be many people out on the road. I'm careful not to wake Betty up as I make my way out of the house. I turn left at Bettys drive way since I've not been down that way yet and I want to get to know the area a little better. There's a soft southern breeze running through the air flipping my ponytail behind me. I love the feeling of running in breeze, it almost like your flying without wings. As I get to the end of the road it appears to be a cul-de-sac with a park at the end. I see a pond in the corner of the park through the tress. Its got a winding path running under the trees that filter the morning sun through them. It looks magical. I start running on the gravel track, looking up at the live oaks, the kind that have the moss hanging down, when I bump straight into someone. God Faith, keep your eyes on the road! I tell myself. As I reorient myself I see the person I've run into is on the floor, half laughing. I cant see their face under the LSU baseball cap they've got on, but I can see a shirtless man with a very ripped core. He stands up and it becomes very clear who it is. "We seem to have a habit of meeting in an unconventional way." Tim says as he offers me a hand to get up, laughing slightly. His body is sweaty and gleaming in the morning sun., I mean men are awful but Tim is something else. "You're up early," he says smiling at me.

"Yeah well thought I'd get the blood pumping before my first day, like you said the boss is a pain." I tell him trying very hard to keep my eyes up and away from his glistening abs.

"Oh, I see, but I hear hes in a good mood so you should be fine." He tells me. "I'm glad you found this park it's a nice place to come running" he says.

"it's very beautiful." I say gesturing around as we begin to stroll the path together.

"I like the way the light filters through the trees in the morning, it's almost like you're in a fairy-tale." He says basically reading my mind.

"You come running very often?" I ask him because there is absolutely no way he get as ripped as that by just jogging under some trees.

"I try come most mornings, but Byrons brother in law from the town over runs these crazy crossfit classes here with the football boys that I try join in with." The thought of Tim lifting a tyre above his head makes me weak. "You like running?"

"I used to be a cheerleader and for fitness our coach used to make u train with the track team, I was kinda good and kept up with them so the coach said to put my legs to good use." I tell him. Tim is super easy to talk to and I can't really explain how comfortable I feel around him all I know is that I like it, a lot.

We continue walking down the path when Tim's phone starts ringing, he pulls it out of pocket and its Christine. Gross. "she's probably calling to check in, I better answer, but ill see you in an hour when I pick you up for work." He says as he walks off to answer his phone, leaving me watching him and his beautiful physique as he walks away. Work, right. Crap, what am I going to wear? I already had to borrow church clothes from Sandy, Tim's sister, and there's no way a school nurse can wear cut-offs to work. I quickly run back to Betty's in the hope she'll be awake. As I get in the front door the smell of fresh brewed coffee emits from the kitchen, thank the heavens she's up.

"Betty! I need you're help." I tell her as I walk into the kitchen where she sits reading the paper in her dressing gown.

"what is it Child?" she asks me.

"I don't have appropriate work clothes, all I have is Tshirts and cut-offs." I tell her sounding dramatic.

"with legs like those" she says looking at my legs "I don't see a problem, but the school might suddenly get a large influx of 'sick' boys to the nurses' office." She laughs but I'm a little but to stressed to take the joke or compliment to heart.

"What am I going to wear?"

"It's fine, I've got some things in the spare room from when I was about your age, my girls never wanted the but I'm sure will find something she says as she leads me upstairs to search through the clothes. The first issue I discover is that I am much taller than Betty, the second is that her breasts are much larger than mine. We find a black pencil skirt that was under her knees, it fits ell excepts its just below mid-thigh.

"Betty this is too short." I say looking in the mirror very concerned.

"No its not. It sits just right on you." I'm not convinced but were fast running out of time and there doesn't appear to be another option.

"Okay, well I'm going to have to go shopping at some point." I tell her as she hands me a red blouse. I hold it up and it is silk with these lacy flowers around the V-neck.

"Hello! Mom, Faith! I'm here!" must be Tim.

"okay I'll go down you get dressed and well see you down there." Betty says as she leaves the room. I put the blouse on and it becomes very apparent that Betty has a larger chest than me because this blouse is very low cut. But there's no time to change so I make my way downstairs, butterfly's fill my stomach. I don't remember being this nervous on my first day at the Vanderbilt. 

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