Sound Effects

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Faiths POV
I'm scared half to death about the fact that I could be pregnant. God, imagine that. Tim and I are obviously soul mates and were going to be together forever, but we've only known each other 3 months been together even less. Are we ready to have a child? I try to relax myself and enjoy our time with our families together. Betty has set up a longer table in the dining room that fits me, Tim, my parents, Betty and Miss Gracie, my brothers, their 6 kids, Tim's sisters, their 4 kids and all the in laws. I can't believe that I went from last Christmas with just me and an asshole boyfriend to this year where I'm surrounded by all the people I love and have grown to love.
"Okay y'all I just wanna say, on behalf of me and Faith, how thankful we are that we're sharing Christmas with you all. It's crazy to think how much life has changed in the last little while for us all, but I think we can all agree that it was for the better. So thank you for spending tho holiday with us and for all being apart of this McGraw-Perry plus some more mix. We love you all." Tim says as a toast. He so cute. We enjoy dinner and as much as I'm trying to be present in the conversation I'm so worried about my doctors appointment on Monday. Maybe I should just go and get a home test. They're not as accurate and besides shops are shut. I'm busy day dreaming when Tim places his hand on my leg.
"You okay baby?" He whispers in my ear as he kisses my temple. I just nod and mumble a yes. As we finish dinner and we help Betty clear the table I start feeling super dizzy and exhausted. I take a minute to sit down.
"Faith, sweetie? What's the matter?" Betty says.
"I don't feel very well. Maybe Tim should take me home." I suggest. She agrees and Tim and I drive home, leaving the rest of them to hang out some more. I hate being a party pooper. When we get home I quickly put on one of Tim's shirts and get in bed. He follows suit and cuddles in close behind me.
"It's gonna be okay." He says.
"I know. I believe in us."

Christmas Day
Good god. I wasn't feeling 100% this morning and having a whole house full of guests really hasn't helped. There are like 10 kids running around with new Christmas presents that Tim and I thought were cool in the store and now that I hear all the sound effects I regret our decisions. After lunch I decide to sneak away to lay down. Im laying in my back and staring at my stomach. Could there really be a little human in here? I stroke my tummy, still as flat as ever. It's nice and quiet and relaxing to just be alone in a room with no toys that play music or a child screaming. I love all my nieces and nephews but I sure am glad to have my house back later tonight when they all head home. After awhile I feel bad for leaving Tim out there in his own so I decide to rejoin them all. As soon as I step into the living room I see Tim playing with the kids, he's got them all absorbed in a game he's running and it couldn't be sweeter. I have no doubt that he's gonna make a great daddy.

Monday Morning
Everyone's gotten home safely and Tim and I have had a little over a full day to record from having both our families over for Christmas. It was nice I loved it but I'm very glad it's just the two of us again. We're sitting in the doctors waiting room waiting to be seen.
"Miss Audrey Perry." A young female doctor says stepping out. I haven't needed to see the doctor since I moved to start so this should be interesting. I'm the worst patient. I know this, nurses always are. I grab Tim's hand and drag him with me. "Hi there Miss Perry, I'm doctor Stevenson." She says reaching out to shake my hand.
"Hi, call me Faith."
"Okay Faith. Tell me what's been going on." I sit ad explain my dizziness and fatigue. "Okay well I'll draw some blood and then we will see what we're dealing with." I squeeze Tim's hand as she draws the blood, I hate it. She leaves me and Tim on silence. This is it. We don't say a word. I count with the clock as each minute passes by.
"Okay Faith, your results are back."

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