Coffee and Spiders

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Faith's POV

Okay so men suck, but Tim is lovely. And his mom! Oh my word, this woman literally only knows my name and that I need a place to stay but she has made me feel more at home that have felt in years. Makes me kinda miss my mom. "So Faith, where are you from?" Betty asks me.
"Originally Star, Mississippi. But for the last while Nashville." I reply between bites of spaghetti, which is soooooo delicious by the way.
"What do you soon Nashville?" Tim asks.
"I'm a nurse, but I quit my job so currently unemployed." Telling these strangers things is actually kind of nice. As we start to clear dinner and wash up Tim steps out to take a call.
"Faith don't take this the wrong way but, there aren't many girls in Start like you." Betty tells me once Tim is gone. "They're all just southern bells obsessed with themselves."
"What makes you think I'm any different?"
"Your spirit. The way you smile."
"Thank you Betty. That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me in a while."
"Surely there must be a handsome young man in your life. You're stunning, smart and quite nice company!" She says while scrubbing dishes.
"Well I am exceptionally single. Who knows, maybe I'll meet an eligible bachelor of Start who will sweep me off my feet?" We laugh as Tim walks back into the kitchen.
"Hey mom thanks so much for dinner, it was amazing, and Faith I will see you tomorrow round 9?"
He tells us.
"Are you off?" I ask trying not to sound upset because I'm not. I hate men, remember Faith?
"Yeah Christine wants me home."
"Oh well night son." Betty kisses him and I wave him away. Christine. I hate her. I bet she's the worst. 
After doing dishes with Betty I decide to hit the hay.
Morning in Start feels different, crisper than a Nashville morning and peaceful. I wonder down to the kitchen in my PJ shorts and tank top in the hopes of some coffee, only to be meet with Tim sitting in the living room with this gorgeous brunette woman. She's curvy and elegant and small and short. All the things I'm not. This must be Christine. "Morning Faith!" She says as I hit the last step, she comes over to me and gives me a sweet little hug. I hate her. "Welcome to Start, I'm Christine, Tims Girlfriend. I'm working at the shelter today so I thought I would come early this morning to say hi! But I better be off now" she says as she gives Tim a peck on the lips. I hate her, I mean men. I hate men. "Bye y'all, have a lovely day!" She says as she leaves the house. As Tim turns around to face me I see his eyes stop on my legs, which are exceptionally exposed. "Well Byron got your car and told us to be there by 9. Coffee?"
"Yeah that'd be great. I'll head upstairs and get ready."

Christine wanted to meet Faith this morning because she's the jealous type. I mean I like Christine, we've been living together for almost 3 months and it's been great. But I can't help but think she doesn't love me she just loves the person she gets to be because of who I am. There's no real spark between us, just a sort of twisted sense of obligation. I'm pretty sure she feels it too. But I'm committed to making it work.
As I pour the coffee into mugs I realise that I'm not sure how Faith likes hers. I just do it the way I have mine and hope it's okay. Faith is really nice, easygoing and gets on well with my mom. Last night I overheard her saying to mom that she was single. Unfortunately for her everyone in Start is in a committed relationships by the age of 16.
"Ahhhhhh!!!" I hear I high pitched scream come from upstairs and I sprint towards it.
"Faith!?" I call out.
"In the bathroom!!!!" She yells panicked. As I approach the situation I see Faith standing on toilet looking into the sink at large spider, and I can't help but laugh.
"This is not funny!" She tells me despite the fact that this is the most harmless little creature. I take it in my hand and put it out the window. Faith doesn't move an inch.
"It's gone Faith. You can hop down." I say looking at her. Today she's wearing cutoff denims that stop just high enough on her toned thigh and this red tshirt tucked in. Her hair is held back by a blue bandana and I'm sure any single man would've gone crazy at the sight, who am I kidding I was going crazy.
"Thanks Tim. You really are my hero," she says using my shoulder to get down.
That's the first time we've actually touched and it felt like a shot of electricity through my body. "I uh... Coffee... Made. I made coffee." God I sound stupid.
"Well let's fuel up before hearing about that god forsaken car of mine," she says as she walks away from me. The reverse of those cutoff me have the same effect, in case anyone was wondering.

I hope y'all are enjoying this! Also are these chapters to short? Happy reading!!

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