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Next week Thursday
Faith POV
It's been almost exactly a week since Tim and I first, to quote Russel, became involved. We have been sneaking around like naughty kids stealing sometimes quick other times passionate kisses behind closed doors. We haven't told anyone about us yet. It's just us in our own little secluded bubble of honeymoon phase happiness. Running behind everyone's back has me feeling like a giddy teenager hiding her first boyfriend from her mom, except I'm hiding it from Tim's mom. And Karla and Russel who will surely kill me if they ever find out that I've been hiding this from them. But it's actually really nice just being me and Tim. Holding his hand under the table at dinner with his mom or in the car on our way to school.
It's the Thursday night before we leave to play our first away game of the season so I'm at Tim's getting the stretching regime ready for postmatch to avoid any injuries. Once Tim and I have that sorted we go sit on the couch with a beer. Tim is sitting with his back against the arm rest and his legs along the couch, so I sit between his legs using him as a back rest. "So what's the plan for tomorrow?" I ask him, just to clarify our schedule.
"You and I will leave from the school at 3 in my truck following the rest of the team in the school bus. Then we will go straight to the field and get ready for the match. Afterwards we will go to a nearby food place and get all those boys fed. We are staying at the boarding school, in the wing where the kids don't stay over the weekend so me and the guys will stay there with the team and I asked the school for your room to be over on the other end of school." He says being all protective. Every time he speaks his stubble rubs against my head and I love it.
"Okay, sounds good. I'm actually so excited! It's my first game!" I tell him.
"Oh yeah that reminds me, I got you something." He says getting up. He leaves the room and comes back with a parcel that's still wrapped.
"Is this apart of the 'sorry for tricking you into being a medic' package?" I ask him cheekily.
He hands the package to me and says "no, this is a part of the I really really really really like you package." Followed by a long kiss. When we eventually break apart I open the package and it's my very own Start High Football hoodie.
"I guess this makes it official." I say leaning to kiss him again. "Here put it on," I tell him.
"Why? It's yours." He says very confused.
"I know but the one that is currently in my possession smells like you. So once this one does too I'll be able to wear it." I tell him and he laughs.
"Okay, whatever the lady desires." He says to me.
We sit in the couch just talking and cuddling for at least another hour before I realise that I should probably being heading home. "Tim I think you need to take me home, it's getting late." I tell him as he plays with our hands.
"Do I have to?" He asks like a little boy being told to do his homework. I turn to face him. "Why don't you stay the night?" He says looking away from me shyly. "We won't do anything I swear! I just want you close to me." He says. And as cheesy as it sounds when I'm in his arms I already feel like home.
"Tim, what will your mom think? And besides I haven't packed for tomorrow yet and I don't have clothes here for work." I tell him even though every part of me wants to stay with him.
"I'll just tell my mom that we didn't finish the stretching thing until well pass midnight and we were both tired so you stayed in the spare room. And I'll wake us up super early in the morning to get you home so you can get ready and I'll even help you pack!" He says pleading with me. I just nod my head yes because there isn't anything that I want more than to just be with Tim. He squeals like a little girl at my answer, it's cute. He's adorable. He hugs me real tight to his chest.
"You are such a dork." I tell him.
"Yeah. But I'm your dork." He whispers in my ear, sending goosebumps down my whole body.
"Okay, let's go Mr McGraw. Bed time." I say knowing full well that sleep is still far away. When we get to Tim's room he hands me a pair if grey sweats and a LSU t-shirt.
"Trying to convert me?" I ask him and he just laughs. Once he's gotten his pyjamas he leaves the room so that I can get dressed. He's so polite and proper and sweet and caring and I could go on for days. Once I'm dressed I open the door so that he knows it's okay to come in.
We're laying in bed just cuddling and making out and then some more cuddling in the dark and it's perfect. He's sucking at my neck and I say to him "You better not leave a mark!" Because I do not have the patience to cover that shit up in the morning. He stops abruptly.
"Like no promises but you should be good." He tells me laughing a bit.
"It's my turn then." I tell him. And I make my way to his chest leaving behind a trail of kisses until I can feel his heartbeat. I suck at the spot and he laughs as I do it distracting me a bit. Once I finally finish I find his lips in the dark and give him a deep kiss.
"Goodnight Tim." I say pulling away and holding him like a teddy bear.
"Goodnight Faith." He says kissing the top of my head and pulling me in close. I don't think I've ever fallen asleep with such a big smile on my face.

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