Mi Casa, Su Casa

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Faith POV
"I love you." What the hell. Tim just said that he loves me. God I thought that I was falling way harder and that he wouldn't feel the same way as me, but he does. I lean in and give a big deep kiss.
"I love you too." I say with this big smile on my face, hopping under the covers with him. This is all happening so fast but I wouldn't have it any other way. "I know we're moving really fast Tim, but I have never felt more sure of anything. I love you." I say smiling harder. God it's a nice thing to actually say to him and not just think in my head.
"When do you think we'll get married?" He asks very casually.
"Tim!" I scoff a little bit but I kind of enjoy thinking about it.
Tim pulls me closer to him and says "I'm thinking soon, and it will be a simple but elegant traditional wedding at our church." Our church. I haven't been a part of an our before, even with Dan there was mine and yours. This is what love is. "And the reception would have to be somewhere outside since I don't think there's a building big enough in Start to fit everyone that we'd have to invite. And then a little while later we can have a baby girl, name her Rose like you wanted."
"You've thought about this pretty hard. But what if I just wanted to elope?" I ask teasing him a little bit.
"Then I would elope. I just want to know that I get to spend the rest of my life with you, have children with you and grow old with you." I have actually hit the boyfriend jackpot. Not only is he super hot, like drop dead gorgeous, he's smart, funny, great with kids, thoughtful but he genuinely loves me.
"Yeah baby?"
"I love you." I say laughing and he laughs too.
"I love you more." He says. I don't challenge him but I don't think it's possible for him to love me more than I love him. We talk some more as we get more tired and our eyelids grow heavier. I let out a big yawn. "Goodnight Faith. Love you."
"I love you too honey." I say and I fall asleep hugging him tightly.

The next morning our alarm goes off at 5am. That is to early even for me.
"Morning my love." Tim says kissing my forehead.
"Morning." I say still very asleep.
"We need to get the breakfast and kids ready." Tim says without moving. I can sense he's about as excited to do it as me, but the earlier we get it done the earlier we can go home and sleep in a comfy bed in our pyjamas.
We get up and since we slept in our clothes go to the kitchen and get the breakfast ready. By 5:30 Tim and I enter the dorm rooms to wake up the kids. Sure none of them are happy right now but when they get home they'll thank us. We get on the bus by 6am and are ready to get home. I'm exhausted so on the bus ride home I lay on Tim and get some more sleep. I don't care about professionalism, most kids are sleeping too. By the time I wake up were a few miles from start.
"Hey sleepy head." Tim says stroking my head. "Sleep well?" He jokes.
"I could use another few hours." I say in full seriousness.
"Luckily Miss Gracie is in today so as soon as we get back we can go home." He says. Best news ever.

I slept until 9pm. Classic Faith. I do everything to the best of my ability including napping. I wake up in an empty bed which is distressing because I usually share it with the man I love. It's funny to be in love because once you admit it you can't think of anything else. I don't mind though, having Tim on my mind is a good thing. I get up and decide to look for him. I just follow the smell of something cooking and there is my handsome, shirtless chef. God I'm lucky.
"Hey baby." He says giving me a big tight hug. "I'm just making some dinner. Oh and your boxes from Gaye came this afternoon. They're over by the front door." He tells me.
"Eeeeeek!!!!! My own clothes!" I yell going to the boxes. Thank you lord and FedEx. I see a letter taped to the top box.

I miss you so much. Work and life just aren't the same without you. I hope this fresh start in Louisiana is good for you and that you're happy. Please come and visit me soon. Dan has gone off the rails but I'm glad. Hopefully I'll get to see you soon, oh and with a southern man ;). Be good! In these boxes are all your clothes and then some pictures and things I thought you would've wanted. I love you and miss you.

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