Good Luck

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Faith POV
I'm pregnant. And I'm getting married in 3 days. I haven't told Tim that I'm pregnant yet and i will just as soon as I've wrapped my head around it. The only people who know are me and Karla. Soon Gaye will know too. Her and her husband arrive in a few minutes and then tonight is the bachelorette and bachelor parties. Apparently Tim is trying to get out of it because he doesn't want to and I quote him "die doing something his mama would kill him for doing". I love that man. But the girls are all hopping on a party bus to a town called Nelson where we're having our own shindig. I also invited Russell because I love him and he's one of my best friends and will hopefully protect me from alcohol since I can't drink. God it's going to be hard hiding that from everybody but between me Karla and Gaye we should figure it out.
Tim and I are currently staying at his old house while our families are at the farm house. With all the chaos around us it's nice just to be able to share in the stillness together. I keep feeling like there's more to organise but like Tim says if it's not done now then it won't ever be ready.
"Hey baby," Tim says kissing my neck. "What if we just tell everyone we have food poisoning and we stay in tonight." He tempts me.
"I would love to but I think our friends have put in a lot of effort for these parties." I say. "Besides I know you're only saying that because your scared of what's in stall for you." I laugh. He comes and sits on the couch with me.
"Faith, you don't understand. The last guy to get married had to Bungee jump naked. And that was my idea."
"Then whatever happens tonight is your own fault." I laugh at him. "You should've thought that what goes around comes around."
"Well I wasn't thinking that I was going to be in this position anytime soon, I mean I hadn't met you yet so it was far out of sight." He says. I know he's just trying to get some, but it's working. Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones or the fact that we're getting married but we can't keep apart, I don't know we're gonna make it through tonight's festivities. As we kiss the door bell rings ending an otherwise perfect moment. Tim goes to answer the door and Gaye leaps through.
"My best friend is getting married!!" She yells.
"Ahhhh!!!! Gaye!!!" I say running towards her. I see the boys do that weird bromance greeting hug thing out of the corner of my eye before I pull Gaye away, leaving them alone in the lounge. I lock the bedroom door behind me and sit on the bed and Gaye joins me.
"You look so good. You're glowing! What detox are doing for this wedding, god I should've done a detox for mine." She says stroking my cheek.
"It's not a detox." I say to her.
"God, you two need to chill out." She laughs.
"No it's not that either!" I giggle. "I mean not entirely. I'm pregnant." I whisper like it's a cuss word.
"Ahhh!" Gaye squeals. "I'm gonna be an Aunty!" She says.
"Shhhh! I haven't told him yet." I explain. "I'm waiting till the honeymoon."
"Like y'all will need another reason to celebrate." She laughs. "Faith this is so exciting." She says holding my hands.
"I'm so happy. I was so scared to be a mom at first but now think about Tim and how he's make such a great dad, god I feel an ovary twinge." I giggle.
"You two will make such good parents." She reassures me. There's a sudden knock at the door.
"Hey girls, I need to get some stuff at the store. I'm taking Tim with me so I don't get lost." Gayes husband says from the other side of the door, his voice sounding monotonous and rehearsed.
"Okay bye!" Gaye says.
"What's that about?" I asked.
"Oh he's been asked by one of the groomsmen to get him to the first location and that's the cover story we rehearsed." She laughs.
"First location?" I asked slightly conceded. Lord am I glad I made them promise that they wouldn't do anything to his hair, face and neck. Good luck Tim.

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