Timing is Everything

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We leave the hotel with the boys early the next morning and I'm excited to just be able to spend sometime with Faith at our house. The bus trip is long but soon enough we arrive back in Start. I basically drag Faith off the bus and into my truck so that we can't talk to anyone. We get home and unpack our bags.
"I'm so tired." Faith says laying down on our bed.
"Me too." I say laying down and cuddling her tightly.
"I'm so ready for vacation to start."
"We've got like 2 weeks left and then we're off to Telluride." I say excited. I've only been to the snow a few times and only for day trips so to be able to spend 2 nights on the mountain with Faith is something that I'm really looking forward to.
"I can't wait." She says, giving me a slow kiss. It's not one of those that suggests she wants to go further but instead it's one that you don't want to end. It's slow and intimate and just perfect. We spend basically all of Saturday in sweats and in each others arms.
"Yeah baby."
"I'm really happy. Like so so so so so happy that I've got you in my life and that we're in love and that one day we're going to have a family." She stays quiet for a minute.
"Me too." She says. I just chuckle.

Faith POV
I can't be bothered going to church. I mean we really should go, since we haven't been in two weeks but I feel like as soon as we get there people are going to want to talk or whatever and someone will ask us to go out for coffee or something and I'm tired. We have had such a busy few weeks I just need to rest. Sit in the couch and do nothing.
"Do we have to?" I whine to to Tim as he get dress.
He just laughs and shakes his head. "Of course we do baby."
"Okay but promise me that as soon as sermon is over we can come home."
"Of course baby."
Tim lied. We're not going straight home. We're going Davis and his wife Monique's place for coffee with some other football people to celebrate semifinals next week. Yay. Not.
"So Faith? When do you think y'all are going to get married?" One of the woman asks me. I nearly choked. As I splutter they just continue to look at me as if it was the most simple question. The people of start will never not amaze me. It's like the next logical expectation is for Tim and I to get married. I mean sure it is but never would any of my friends from back home ask something like that.
"Um.... Well I'm not sure if we're there yet." I lie.
"Really?! Y'all are living together and it's obvious that he loves you and that you love him. A blind person could see that." Missi says to me. Everyone mumbles in agreement.
"I think that we're just going to cross that bridge when we get there." I say hoping to change the subject.
"I think y'all will be engaged before next year." One woman says.
"Next year? I say Christmas?" Monique says.
"If they win state champs, he'll do it then." Missi says taking a sip of her coffee and looking at is all like its the most obvious thing ever and we're all stupid. This town is crazy. We go home around 1 o'clock and I just want to watch TV.
"Outlander or Versailles?" Tim asks setting up the TV. I've got sweats on and a blanket and some chocolate ready.
"Outlander." I tell him. We spend the day on couch watching it and honestly I'm so happy. It's lovely to just sit on the couch in our sweats and do nothing. I'm glad we get to do this, we've been so busy lately and to just be able to relax is amazing. I look up at Tim and I'm so in love. I've truly been blessed with the absolute best. After everything with Dan I never would've thought that I would be right here.

Still Faith POV
Next week Thursday.
I think this whole town has gone mad. Absolutely crazy. Me included. We won our semi final so that means we're playing to become state champs tomorrow. Since we're playing some big fancy city school we have to go to them and won't have home field advantage. But not to worry. The parents of the team have hired 3 buses and are carrying anyone who wants to go in them. It feels like everything is just one huge pep rally. I love it. Everywhere I go it's like "good luck for Friday Faith!" And on top of that its our second to last week of school, which means that Tim and I go to Telluride soon. It's going to be magical.
"Faith, do you want to go on a bus tomorrow or in my truck?" Tim asks poking his head into my office.
"We should go on the bus." I say. It will be nice, the vibe will be so good full of energy and everything.
"Okay cool. We're coming home the same night so it won't be a whole weekend type thing."
"If we win the celebration definitely will be though." I laugh at him.
"Don't jinx it." He says seriously and I laugh at him again. As the school day comes to close we head home to get a good nights rest before tomorrow. Tim and I are laying in bed and I can tell he's nervous. I think I need to calm his nerves. I sit and straddle him.
"Hey cowboy." I say mimicking him. "Don't be nervous, your going to be great." He just laughs at me.
"You're adorable." He says.
"You're right." I tell him and give him a kiss. "Let's make some good luck, baby."

I'm nervous. I've got butterflies in my stomach and every hour of today they've just been getting worse. Imagine winning state championship 4 years in a row. God I hope we can do it. I think the boys can, it will close but they're good enough. And we've got great supporters coming along and this super hot nurse. The school day comes to an end and Faith and I make our way to the buses. There are four and a whole heap of cars too. Looks like the whole towns coming. Faith and I chat to everyone and make sure the boys are all on the bus. Missi and Byron tell us to come on their bus instead, I'd love to since we won't be bound by any codes of conduct rules if we're on a bus with no students. Faith and I sit down, we may as well invite someone else to share the seat with us since we basically sit on each others lap. I called Faiths dad the other day and asked if I could ask Faith to marry me. He said that he would love that but if I ever hurt her he would run over me in his truck. I love that man. The plan is to do it when we got to telluride and everything. It's going to be super romantic. I asked my mom if I could use my grandmothers ring, I hope Faith likes it. The diamonds huge so surely she will. I'm nervous about asking her but after everything we've been through I hope she'll say yes. On the bus everyone is chatting and laughing and we're all having a great time. I love the atmosphere and not having to worry about kissing Faith in front of the boys. The drive goes really fast and we all stream off the buses, Faith and I make our way to a changing room where we have our pre game chat with the team.
Near the end of the talk Joey jumps up "who are we?!?!!"
"Winners!" Everyone yells back. Faith's standing there in her hoodie and joining in and I can't help but smile.
"What are we gonna do?"
"WIN!!!" We all yell. The boys start streaming out whooping and hollering and Faith starts rounding up the drink bottles. I'm half way out the door when something over comes me.
"Faith, do you wanna marry me?" I say.
She laughs at me and says "of course sweetly."
"No, seriously. I'm asking you to be my wife." My timing is pretty shit.
"Are you serious? We're in a changing room before a football game and you're asking me to marry you?"
"Yeah I am."
She looks at me for a second and I can't quite get a read on what she's going to say, when Joey suddenly bursts in. "Mr McGraw, the want you ft a photo in the newspaper." He drags me out before I can hear Faiths answer. Before I know it we've got cheerleaders doing their thing and the boys almost ready to play and suddenly that first whistle blows and the game is underway. By halftime were a touchdown behind.
"Guys we can come back from this. Don't lose your heads. Stay calm. Focus. For most of you this is the last game of high school that you're ever going to play." I tell them. "Honour the hard work you've done this year, honour the people who believed in you." We do our cheer and the get back onto the field. Faith has been by my side the whole time. I've kind of forgotten about the whole terribly times proposal since there's 5 minutes left, we don't have possession and we need a touchdown to win. 4 minutes and still no possession. 3 minutes lord help us. 2 minutes we finally have possession of the ball. 1 minute and we're not close enough to the touchdown area. 30 seconds and joeys got the ball. 25 seconds and he's running a gap. 15 seconds he's going to make it. 10 seconds and he's got it! Our supporters are screaming, I'm screaming, Faith is screaming. She jumps into my arms, wraps her legs around me and kisses me.
"We're state champs!" She yells.
"I know!" I say holding her by her ass.
"I'm so happy!" She says kissing me again. "And yes!" She tells over the noise happening around us.
"Yes what?"
"Yes I'm going to be your wife!"

Heya, sorry for not updating for a while I'm very slack. Hopefully you're enjoying this story, I'm trying to tie in allows the little Tim and Faith references that I can and hopefully it's working. I've got an idea in the works for my next fix as well. 

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